The personal shi thread

Thats why I edited and changed it, because I would probably start being hated for a little while on here hahaha. Like that time I said I wish I had never watched Ghostbusters :D

Fixed for Family Guyness.

I'm hating my job at the moment. The work isn't bad but the people I work for are being a bit shit at the moment and that's making everyone else unhappy. Also I went there to get experience which isn't happening but they keep getting me to do extra, shitty jobs and I don't get paid anymore for the added responsibility.
Fixed for Family Guyness.

I'm hating my job at the moment. The work isn't bad but the people I work for are being a bit shit at the moment and that's making everyone else unhappy. Also I went there to get experience which isn't happening but they keep getting me to do extra, shitty jobs and I don't get paid anymore for the added responsibility.

I'm kind of in the same boat, the people from my job keep bugging me about getting a girl, and learning how to drive. NO, I don't know how to drive, I'm scared of chrashing and dying :(

They say that they're gonna make me an account on a dating website to get me a date for my birthday (Sunday), but the thing is..... I kinda already have one. I met her on my PS3 (Don't judge me! It sounds lame I know) and have gone crazy for her in the 4 months I've known her. I've kind of...... fallen in love with her even though I've never met her. Does that sound crazy? :err: Plus, she'll be having surgery and won't be able to text me for a week :(

Soo..... having people poke fun at me, work sucking, worrying about my girl, not being able to be with her, and trying to find the courage to tell my parents about her = my personal shit at the moment.

Discuss, flame, ignore, whatever.

no but in all seriousness, im not sure what to say, have you seen pictures of this girl or anything?
I've got like 20 on my PS3 lol. And I talk to her literally everyday.

And there was a week where my internet/phone was all fucked up on vacation..... I was...... losing my mind. Embarassing to say, but still. I couldn't stop thinking about her the whole trip.
She done something to personally offend you r something? Or does she piss you offwith her rack only?

Get her ass banned.

She's just fucking scum. Got her ex kicked the shit out of, because he apparently broke her ribs and tried to do shit when someone "date raped" her, when she was just wasted and he was fucking looking after her. She then turns round and starts shit with me because I passed comment over my friend and thought I was talking about her, threatened me and when I told her to get the fuck out my face she then decided to talk shit about me like the stupid little immature bitch she is.

All she does is constantly say 'oh I'm getting SOOO wasted today / SOO stoned, I hate my life, I hate mad peado's, I hate life, I wanty jab cunts" and I just wish someone would stamp on her neck, seriously.

The fact she's a sceeby bitch disgusting enough to have no self respect in that way also pisses me off.

New personal rant, why can't the doctors chop half my legs off?! I want to be fucking shorter so I don't look disgustingly tall if I wear heels.
Oh I know the feeling chicka, I think I'm close to 6ft? (Google says so haha) Still that doesn't always stop me from wearing high heels.
But at gigs it feels cool not to be so small and fragile :p
I'm 6ft but for some reason it makes me easier to knock over in pits, it's well annoying. That and the fact guys seem to aim for a 6ft blue / blonde / red haired chick in the pits, thinking I'm an easy targer, this is all before I punch them in the face and they kinda get the message to back off. Oh and when I wear high heels I completely tower over my boyfriend who is like 5'9 I think.
you should be happy being tall, it beats being a little dwarf, im 6.2 all my friends are bout 5.something some are actually 5ft and they hate being so small, height has its advantages, except hittin my head on low hangin stuff not so fun