The personal shi thread

Stop trying to be like me Journeyman. You can't do it, its impossible. I'm too good.

I seem to recall you saying not to be a dick to anyone...... Hhhmmmm.....

ON TOPIC: The girl I posted about before, is NOT having sugery. So fucking happy right now.
I was pissed when I visited Germany and the following things happened:

The milk was warm
No Dr. Pepper
No Taco Bell
No plungers in the hotel bathrooms
You have to pay 50 Euro Cents to use a public restroom ("Oh you need to piss? 50 cents please")
Fucking maids stole souveniers that I bought for my brother

Last but not least, the fucking French lost my luggage on the way back
Wasn't my choice, it was the organization's that I was doing the trip through, they chose the cheapest airline to save money, and it happened to be Air France.
*golf clap*

But YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. I hate the world recently, haha. They ruined my phase of 'ltd' so I'm pretty annoyed, I liked my life now I really just don't, it's so tedious. I'm waiting for all the gigs to roll around so I can bail early on my college days to get wasted in the pub, pop along with my camera, shoot the bands, go in the pits and get the shit beat out me, haha. I love future life. I hate my shit job, which pays monthly with a shit wage, I hate the fact I'm still being taxed when I shouldn't be as I'm 17 and I don't earn enough for them to be allowed to tax me, UGGGGGGGGGGGH. Also totally not loving the fact my friend has a serious issue with alcohol at 19, she drinks way too much, is drunk nearly every day and cannot ever remember a thing, she is such an aggressive person when drunk and always does shit she regrets yet won't give up drinking or even switch from spirits, does my nugget in.

Yeah, she does. Now another friend who is 18 has a serious problem, she got so wasted the other night that she fell and cracked her front two teeth, her punishment for her problem is looking like a hillbilly until she gets her teeth capped, oh how I lol'd.
Damaging my teeth is one of my very worst nightmares.

Exact same here.
I got blood poisoning due to my orthodontist damaging my tooth which fucked up the nerves in it, the doctors told me in hospital they might have to take out one of my teeth (which was quite near the front) and I started literally screaming and then took a panic attack, they had to put me on morphine and shit for the pain but I would've put up with that rather than have a tooth removed, thankfully they sorted it out without taking my tooth, fucking ortho, I should have kicked her head in.

That sounds extremely unpleasant.

Don't even get me started on my moms knee problems.....