The personal shi thread

I have really fucking bad teeth - hint: Drugs are really fucking bad mmmkay?

I have one at the back thats bascally dying, has a massive gaping fucking hole in it and a bunch of cracks. I need to go to a dentist, but there are so fuckng few NHS dentists in Sheffield that its looking highly unlikely.
I have really fucking bad teeth - hint: Drugs are really fucking bad mmmkay?
I have one at the back thats bascally dying, has a massive gaping fucking hole in it and a bunch of cracks. I need to go to a dentist, but there are so fuckng few NHS dentists in Sheffield that its looking highly unlikely.

Not sure if you're being serious there, but there's only one drug I can think of that does that to you, and that's the worst kind. I take it you're clean now?
Sadly I AM serious :lol:

I'm clean now, though its not ust using drugs that doe it - naturally when you're addicted to nearly everything under the sun, your first thought when you wake up isn't 'Right, gonna rush my teeth and have some breakfast'. Its more along the lines of 'My fucking head hurts, I' gonna go buy some *inset drug of the day here*'. This went on for the best part of a year ad a half until I got clean, but eve then I didn't manage to getback into the brushing your teeth thing straight away.

Epic fail on my part to be fair.
Haha mine are fucked.

Proper crooked in places too, as when you're 14 you NEVER want braces because lets face it, at that ae you'll get the piss ripped out of you

I didn't get my braces til I was 16, how do you think I felt? My teeth are straight now but, few fillings here and there, managed to crack my back tooth in half basically because I opened a beer bottle off it at the wrong angle, bad times.

Thrasher, that's why weed is the best drug hahaha.
Oh and personal shit? I have basically been diagnosed with Anemia, so that's another one to add to the list of; muscle damage in my back, Tietze's Syndrome, 2 "floating" aka snapped the fuck off from the cartiledge ribs, muscle damage in my legs and a fucked up thumb. HOW DELICIOUSLY UNSOUND. I hate having the immune system of a fucking 93 yr old, I catch every bug SO easily so nae doubt I'll have Swine Flu by the end of summer as I'm prone to chest infections and flu's.

Thanks dear :( I hate being so ill constantly, it sucks. I came back from Download with a chest infection, which then turned into problems with my sinuses and then Sinusitis, which apparently means my sinuses were infected so I was coughing up blood and shit, FUN. I get a wee thing wrong with me, then it just escalates :(
I'm much the same, though maybe not to such a degree. I get sick a LOT (and when I say a lot, I mean at least three times a month). And perhaps more bizarrely, when I get really stressed, upset or generally fucked of I vomit blood - that may sound metal as fuck but its seriously worrying and not that fun haha. I've been to see doctors about it whenit happens and they never ever find anything wrong with me, its completely fucking bizarre.

You get well soon though! If you want I'll come overand make you a Dave Doom Pizza (its literally a KFC pizza) and some mexican grindhorse :)
Ah I've had that before when I drink a lot, it's either blood or foam, I spewed up bright red foam in the middle of the Machine Head pit at Black Crusade, not a good sign after nearly a litre of JD hahaha. I'm literally feeling ill nearly every day, I grey out quite a lot (basically a fucked up headrush) and I seem to be losing weight when all I'm doing is eating, hopefully if they sort the anemia I will be okay. But literally this year I've had 3 chest infections, swollen glands, the flu, infected sinuses and just general illness. I have a year round cold, that sounds stupid but I am fucking serious, I always have a runny nose and a cough, the doctors don't seem to ever help. They can't do anything for my broken ribs, they also think I have a hereditory ovary condition, I just have all the fun eh? haha.

But yeah, you should come up on the 9th, for my 18th haha! I want cool fattening greasy food washed down by a metric fucktonne of JD :)
wow i feel for your epic struggle against the illnesses, hopes you all get better. i never really get ill, i have enough problems if i had your illnesses and such id actually go on a killing spree. a man can only take so much lol.

and i had braces when i was 14/15, no one took the piss, its just the way my area is i take it, no one takes any crap, and no one goes out of their way to be a cock, its a perfect balance, except for the younger criminally enclined chavvy youngsters with their techno and rave music. lol
Haha I live in a scum infested wee town where there is literally about 20 goths in the full place and I was one of the only skaters there when I was wee, so the morons here still think they are entitled to make comments about how I dress / what I listen to so they now get the reply of "go fuck yourself you fucking mongo", yay I love my anger issues. I just snap at idiots who have a insanely low IQ, think 'ountz' music is God's gift to mankind and they are sexy fucks when actually they have about 4 teeth in their heid and look inbred as shit. UGH. Haha, the joys of Scotland eh?
And, a rare occasion when I post MY problems.......

Yesterday, we had a Store "rally" AKA, party. Cookout and waterballoon fight at the park. Sweet right? Meh. Loud ass hip hop music playing, me being shy as hell, not being a party person, seeing happy couples constantly reminding me that my girl lives about 500 miles away..... friends constanly telling me that I need to get hooked up, hence reminding me AGAIN that she is 500 miles away...

Not much to be upset about I know but..... :(
Dude, I've been there and I've done that. It sucks but if you like her enough you'll get used to it.

Unles, like my ex, shes somewha o a fucking succubus. Then she'll steal your soul and give it Satan, who'll promptl- *gets roundhous kicked in the face by Chuck Norris*