The things that make you angry thread

karen - basically, there's this guy i talk to there, mark - i talk to a lot of people there and have just gotten cool with a lot of them - he's like 46, married but hey, it's home depot - that's pretty much all the guys there

this guy, mark, will come over to talk to me a lot, we'll go outside together to smoke, etc. some of the people in his department have made jokes about us, but once again - just a bunch of middle aged men so i shrug it off. like i said, people blow things way out of proportion and rumors like that have been going around about another good friend of mine just because she'll talk to certain guys a lot

so i go to the gym this morning and then go to panera afterward. i see some of the people i work with (another cashier, a guy in lumber, two guys fro recieveing - they're kinda part of this "crew" that seem to distance themselves from most of the cashiers because they've been there longer or something - there's all kinds of stupid drama there). i sit by them and one of them tells me something like "we were totally messing with your boyfriend earlier" which gets a "wtf?" from me and they something about mark. i laugh it off, they dont really say anything else, they leave a little while later.

i get to home depot, i see mark but he doesn't really say anything to me, whatever. as i'm getting onto a register, i see two other cashier chicks, jenna and lyndsee, and a guy that's friends with mark just hanging around and they're talking and keep saying "double-team" and laughing... once again, "wtf" from me, but whatever. i see mark a little while later. he tells me "so there's some shit going around about us" and one of the guys in pro sales (a dept near lumber) was telling mark that he was gonna come over and ask me what was going one. i'm like wtf to that but don't think about it. one of my supervisors, jody, asks me what that was about, i just say "so there's shit going around about me and mark or something. whatever" later, i'm standing around and i see jenna and lyndsee standing around with this guy from the tools dept, ivan ("playa" type guy, pretty much a douche) and some fucking mexican guy and i kinda think theyre looking over at me but im just paranoid like that anyway

sooo one of my good friends there, lindsay, calls me on the store phone asking if i can come out of the garden department on my break to talk to her. i go out there and she says "there's some pretty nasty stuff going around about you. apparently you got double-teamed by mark and some other guy." apparently lyndsee saw her in the break room and, knowing that she and i are close, asked lindsay what was going on, she seemed concerned and doubtful that it was true, etc

i hear this, get freaked right the fuck out, go back in and see jody, tell her what the deal is, she can see how freaked out i am, we go outside and smoke and i try to explain stuff to her as best i can, ask her if she can just keep me away from the lumber department, keep someone around me because i'm just getting incredibly uncomfortable with the whole thing, dunno if someone would come up and say shit, ask me about anything like mark was saying earlier, etc. she tells me she understands, not to worry, shit goes around about people all the time. she says she wants to find out who's at the bottom of this and she'll talk to them, i say i don't want it to go down like that, i don't want to make trouble for anyone, i just don't fucking want all this obnoxious talking behind my back.

i go back in and it's me and another guy, jordan, on register. we're standing around and ivan walks by us and looks over at jordan and says "i've got a story for you" and then walks away. i tell jordan what i'm pretty sure ivan was going to tell him, he's incredulous and for a while he was making jokes about it, which helped me feel a lot better. linday also hung out with me on my lunch break just calming me down. oh yeah, and later in the evening jordan and i were standing around and that same fucking mexican kid walks by and tries to whistle to jordan to get his attention but he doesn't hear him, so when i turn around to look at him he just says "hi" really quick and walks away. wow, that's not fucking obvious and suspicious you fucking douche.

so pretty much all of today has just been me trying to figure out the best course of action, trying to build up some kind of ... emotional wall so i can handle anything that might happen with some degree of rationality so i don't wind up manifesting all of the anxiety from today and screaming at someone tomorrow.

and that's about it.
well, jenna, lyndsee, and ivan are in their early to mid-20s... but yeah there are so many people there who just revel in that fucking drama. their days aren't complete unless they could talk shit about someone
I hate people like that. It's worse when someone has to make shit up to talk about though, it's just despicable. Big HUGS Laura, I hope tomorrow is better. Well, there is always the chance that they have had their jollies and are off on another project.
*crosses fingers* ugg am too worked up about everything to sleep and yet i know i'll probobly be groggy and sluggish from lack of sleep tomorrow when i go in at 8 and that'll probobly lead me to just further make an ass of myself.
I wish I had advice on how to get to sleep. I woke up a thousand times last night, and I went to bed around four am. Just kept waking up, until I said fuck it, and got up. I was tired too.

The whole thing would have me worked up too. But, you know the truth, and they are a bunch of ass holes. Just do your best try to find something to do to help take your mind off of it. And try to just dive into work tomorrow to keep your mind off it. In situations like this I just don't talk to the people even to say hello, and keep to myself.
i'm gonna have to try to do that, even though i know i'm gonna be struggling not to just fucking call out whoever i see - "oh yeah, i just got double-teamed by two more guys and might find two more after i get out of here. you fucking obnoxious bitch, i know about you great little joke and the fun's gone for you. sorry you can't fucking laugh at me right in front of my face when i thought you actually had some kind of respect for me and thought of me as some kind of friend. you fucking make me sick."

Why hasn't the boss fired the person responsible? It's Home Depot...I doubt there's such a thing as tenure there. If I were the boss, I would say something to the effect of:

"I heard there are some nasty bullshit rumors going around that are completely distasteful on top of being untrue. If I hear about something like this again or find out who started it, you're fucking fired. Dismissed."

There's a real problem in that place that this hasn't happened yet. Management needs to MANAGE.
Yeah really. As crappy as Toys R Us and Macy's were, I don't think my managers would have actually allowed stuff like that to go on in the store. All the more reason for you to get out of there, Laura. Not just because some offensive things were said about you, but because the management allows for things like this to happen.
it seems to have calmed down *breathes*

i was in the lumber dept and no one said anything to me, i didn't get any weird stares or hear anything that i know of. i even saw mark and when i asked him wtf was going on, he told me "i have no fucking idea who this came from, i'm really pissed" etc.

soo... now i guess i'm just waiting for this shit to die down