The things that make you angry thread

I still think you're making a big mistake by not reporting the bullshit you're going through. Not only are you hurting yourself, but you're leaving the workplace in the same state so this bullshit can happen to another girl. See the legal term is called a poisoned workplace, which basically is a human right's violation (at least in Canada that is what it is). You can't be expected to earn a living when you have co-workers belittling you, making you sick, upset, anxious, losing sleep, etc... whatever the case may be. Really, please dig around for the courage to report that shit, you could take them to court and settle for some money too.
i really don't have concrete proof of anything. like i've said, it's all pretty much "i heard this person saying they heard it from this person"
they haven't been apathetic or anything. my dept supervisors have told me that they will do anything they can, talk to whoever they need to to try getting this taken care of, but i just don't have concrete proof of who this is originating from or who's saying what, it's pretty much all just gossip and i don't wanna point any fingers and get anyone in trouble for no reason. and i also don't wanna feed this fucking monster by saying "i heard from this person that this person is saying this stuff" when it could all be lies.

like i said, i just don't wanna do anything too rash or impulsive.
I don't think it matters who started it. What matters is who believes it. You know it isn't true, this Mark dude knows it isn't true, so to me, that's the end of it. The problem is that you're letting it get to you. Try to not worry about it and ignore the people you think are behind it if you can. Once they see it's not bothering you, it's only a matter of time before it fades away into oblivion because it's not getting the reactions they wanted anymore.

Of course, the easiest solution would be to quit and walk out with your middle finger high in the air. Just make sure to tell the people you like that the finger's not for them before you leave ;)
i really don't have concrete proof of anything. like i've said, it's all pretty much "i heard this person saying they heard it from this person"

Well then you should keep this advice in mind:

The harassed employee, lawyers say, needs to keep a journal of events: time, place, quotes, witnesses. Is the problem an occasional bad day or a consistent pattern of abuse? The worker should also save any pertinent letters and e-mails, preferably making hard copies and storing the paper trail at home.

Paper trail might not apply to you but just keep a journal like it suggests.
I don't think it matters who started it. What matters is who believes it. You know it isn't true, this Mark dude knows it isn't true, so to me, that's the end of it. The problem is that you're letting it get to you. Try to not worry about it and ignore the people you think are behind it if you can. Once they see it's not bothering you, it's only a matter of time before it fades away into oblivion because it's not getting the reactions they wanted anymore.

Of course, the easiest solution would be to quit and walk out with your middle finger high in the air. Just make sure to tell the people you like that the finger's not for them before you leave ;)
yeah, i mean, the close friends of mine who have come to me about this or who i've told haven't even had to ask "is this true" - they go straight to "what the fuck?" ... the people there who know me know what's bullshit but they know that it's bothering me and they understand. i've tried to contain my freaking the fuck out to just around them.

i've seen several of the supposed gossipers since all this shit went down and i've (as far as i can tell) acted casually around them, and most of them have been just as casual around me - no snide comments, no shiftiness (of course i don't know these people well enough to know their capacity for lying or anything) - so hell, it could all just be shit that one person is making up and spreading around instead of a bunch. i know NOTHING for sure but i'm TRYING to act normal at work. TRYING.
Hugs* lad :(

lad - damn. condolences :(

Thanks. I feel compelled to mention this as it's that 4th funeral I've attended of a school friend's since last February (out of 5 total deaths), and I'm a tad exasperated. Also, the religiosity of funeral services for a person or family who have no faith in organised religion leaves a sour taste and feels out-of-place.
Wow, Lad...that's really terrible. I know of one person I went to school with who died, in the 6 years after graduating. I didn't really know him well though. I can't imagine having 5 school peers dead even within 6 years!

also - work was actually really good. lindsay is usually out at the garden register but it was raining all day so garden was closed and she was inside on the register next to me pretty much all day, and we went to lunch together. today went waaay fast.

i'm pissed that tomorrow will probobly suck.

and i'm pissed that we don't have chocolate cake.