The things that make you angry thread

Residents of Maryland, NoVA, DC, do tend to think they really don't have any sort of accent, but lots of people say its definitely there, and annoying, no less! Its been referred to as very "nasally," and upon thinking about it (like the way I say orange) it makes sense!

Actually, I saw an interesting show on Discovery about American accents\
and our area was one of the few in the US where the No-VA/DC/MD accent is the most desirable for news/ TV because it's not so obvious...
I guess it makes sense to me also because I'm used to it...

edit: Baltimore is not allowed to be considered in this accent from the area thing, haha.

Very VERY true! haha!! :lol:

I wonder if my accent now sounds more like the DC/NO-VA area...
Residents of Maryland, NoVA, DC, do tend to think they really don't have any sort of accent, but lots of people say its definitely there, and annoying, no less! Its been referred to as very "nasally," and upon thinking about it (like the way I say orange) it makes sense!

edit: Baltimore is not allowed to be considered in this accent from the area thing, haha.

Haha, ahhhrange. Flahhhrida. Aww :)
Technically, English people don't have accents. That's just what the language sounds like when spoken properly.

[/Jimmy Carr]

To be honest, I think the standard South Englander (not cockney londoner) accent is pretty much the lack of an accent. Its not exciting, it lacks any emotion or emphasis on certain words or phrases and sounds uninteresting most of the time. But I suppose that in itself is an accent.
@ the accents issue: At this point I'm not even sure what kind of accent I have... Poeple in VA think I'm American but from "New England" somewhere, and
when I'm up north, everybody asks me where did I get this 'cute mild accent'... so yeah. I don't even know.

As Derick or Morgana will tell you, the accent in Northern VA, DC or MD is very "vanilla" anyways...

California accent is great btw, I'll have to agree. Before I moved to the states I used to think that the Cali accent is "the ultimate American accent"
and everybody else speaks with a dialect... haha!

yeah, I find the accent around MD/DC to be pretty vanilla myself. Of course I lived there all of my life, up until five months ago. So I might speak that way. But I really can't tell what I sound like.

hahha, a long time ago, I used to talk to this Irish dude on the voice chats. His accent was so thick I could hardly understand a word he said! He used to always bug me when I was online because he said my voice was so exotic! LOL! I seriously doubt there is anything exotic about my voice.