The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

Always thought shit like this was cool. Not for every day, but a track or two every once and a while.
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Youtubed Burial and Kode9, listened to a few songs by each and I don't see how either is even classified as dubstep. Boring as fuck honestly.
^ Not bad... A lot of that electronic music sounds fairly samey to me. I used to listen to it a fair bit, but I kinda got bored with it.

Anyone seen Parade of the Dead? The film/hour-something long music video written, directed by and starring Hilltop Hoods based off their song; Parade of the Dead? (It's probably my favorite song by them and I'd recommend it to anyone who doesn't despise Aus Hip Hop.) I'm wondering if it's worth buying.
ages ago some really old gay dude showed how to use some cool program to make music in midi on my laptop but I forgotten what the program was called. It was so old it had weird graphics that would have been necessary for pre windows computers.
Polly Jean Harvey has a new album!! Pretty much will be my album of the year if Summoning don't come through.I would marry this woman in an instant.
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really anyone talking about dubstep in 2011 should just be disqualified from discussion of electronic music. it had a couple years in the spotlight where pretty vital stuff was coming out and now everyone doing anything remotely interesting has moved on, leaving the late-comers and horrendously generic artists to their version of the style which at this point has become what defines 'dubstep' to most despite having pretty much nothing to do w/ the genre's roots

this isnt the old days where new music genres got a good 5-10 years before being suffocated by legions of second-rate artists. these days you get way less time after people outside of your niche subculture start to notice you. dubstep chugged along in obscurity for 4 or 5 years, broke out in 2006 w/ burial's s/t and within a year and a half 'spongebob' and fabriclive 37 happened and that was the beginning of the end.