The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

Hey guys. I found this awesome new Indie band called We're So Cool and Awesome. They're so awesome and unique. They sound just like Interpol!

Lets clear this up, my music taste in behind just the term 'indie' rock and Interpol. I threw the term around pretty loosely in past posts because I was pretty ignorant about underground rock music in general. I was just getting into the genre and did not understand the what bands were actually good and how the term really was meant to be used; a common mistake found in metal music when they refer to Slipknot is metal or Mayhem would be Death Metal. I do like Interpol, a lot and they are an excellent example of good "underground" rock music when you look at their first two records, but my obsession passed for them about a month or two ago. I don't intend to find music similar to them or spread their name around as much because there are much much better bands within the underground scene, aside from Turn On The Bright Lights which is my favorite 'indie' or underground album ever.

Indie rock/music is not anymore pretentious than Deathspell Omega's overly pompous image, or lack-of one, or Averse Sefira's interview about church burning. Get over your fake, sterotyped image of tight paints and shirts similar to what a shitty pop-punk band like The Maine would wear or that all indie bands sound like Coldplay. You are wrong if that is what you think and start to understand the genre more before you make dumb comments on it. Considering that indie rock/music is not even a real sound but simply clamming a band is not on a major label, I do not see how it can be a proper way of defining a sound to the masses. It is also about a loosely defining as saying that a person likes 'metal,' if not an even more loose term of description.

An indie band can be anything from the noise/improv sound of early-Gang Gang Dance records to their world music infused with percussive grooves of their 2008 record, Saint Dymphna, or something as grime-y and beat based as Burial or the old school folk rock bleakness of Grizzly Bear or the grandiose chamber rock of A Silver Mt. Zion.

I suggest you look into 'indie' rock a tad bit more before you write it off as something else. I know a little bit about prog to say "enough already." It was sarcastic and I would not write off prog off for no reason, so I suggest you look into the real aspects of 'indie' music, or put in better terms, underground music before you simply make a blind comment that brings you to the conclusion that I am talking purely about an army of Interpol soundalikes.
My main problem with a lot of new "indie" music is that it's often passed off as being really new or original, but a lot of it tends to draw heavily from a select pool of bands from the 70's, 80's and 90's, often with predictable and underwhelming results that don't really do anything to expand upon or even equal their predecessors. Basically, I've heard a lot of it done earlier and better.
My main problem with indie is that all the stuff I heard sounds like boring monotonal stuff with boring riffs and lyrics.
My main problem with a lot of new "indie" music is that it's often passed off as being really new or original, but a lot of it tends to draw heavily from a select pool of bands from the 70's, 80's and 90's, often with predictable and underwhelming results that don't really do anything to expand upon or even equal their predecessors. Basically, I've heard a lot of it done earlier and better.

I agree to a certain level. I think Pitchfork adds way to much hype to the music scene and a lack of spotlighting good and interesting bands. Some bands do a great job at being interesting while still being rather popular and still retro, like Grizzly Bear, Interpol, or Arcade Fire. Some bands on the other hand are much more experimental and unknown, take Gang Gang Dance or Lighting Bolt. GGD sum up what underground music should be and pretty much reject the cliche "Pitchfork scene." Saint Dymphna is such a stellar record.

My main problem with indie is that all the stuff I heard sounds like boring monotonal stuff with boring riffs and lyrics.

Like what? Can you name any authentic, interesting 'indie' bands?
i struggle to come up with many myself and i've explored indie pretty extensively. i still love the arcade fire shamelessly though, and gravenhurst (well, one of their albums) even moreso if they count.
Nothing wrong with Arcade Fire. Funeral was such a catchy and well thought-out and well-written record, while Neon Bible was pretty average for the most part.
neon bible has three or four really quality tunes and then a bunch of filler. funeral's pretty much consistently gold, i find it really devastating but totally invigorating.
absolutely, it's definitely the most consistent of their releases and one of the most consistent of the '60s (when consistency was seriously fucking hard to come by). 'strange days', 'waiting for the sun' and 'morrison hotel' are all quality too though.
I love the Doors. Their first album has to be one of the best debut albums from a band ever.

I like The Doors but I am not totally head-over-heels for their music. Jim was so good at writing lyrics and was extremely intelligent and well-read.

indie music is great. one of my favorite indie bands was a favorite of Kurt Cobains called Beat Happening.

Excellent band on K Records. You should check out Mount Eerie/The Microphones if you dig that label.
The Doors are surely the best 60's band but my favourite album is still the Pink Floyd's psychedelic masterpiece "The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn"

Syd Barrett was a genious
