The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

Lana Del Gay posted some picture of her face on facebook yesterday and it's pretty laughable, especially the nose. Not objectifying women or anything, but her nose looks like shit and she looks like absolute, complete shit.

EDIT: Not even trying to follow the pattern of "not racist but my pals are not people". Her face is shit and it's her own fault.
That's what happened to her she got fucked up the clacka so hard that it gave it two black eyes and she needed reconstructive facial surgery cause she was physically abusive towards her ex partner and that's the only way he could legally get revenge.
I've been digging melodysheep on youtube lately.

Billy Mays Autotune
Bob Ross - Happy Little Clouds remix
Mr Rogers - Garden of your Mind remix
Symphony of Science - We Are All Connected

All those rule.