The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

Why is it important to you that the artist is also a piece of shit IRL? Never understood that, I'd rather the emcee actually have talent rather than a criminal record or whatever.

Just another idiot who'll be dead or locked up at some point.
Why is it important to you that the artist is also a piece of shit IRL? Never understood that, I'd rather the emcee actually have talent rather than a criminal record or whatever.

Just another idiot who'll be dead or locked up at some point.
wtf are you you even talking about here? Im just saying that he's a legit blood/crip, unlike 99% of the rappes out here who claim they are.

I guess you like the listen to rappers who pretend to be real. Rap isn't fantasy bro. I like to listen to flows that come from people who are actually from the streets and have done the things they say. Not pretenders, aka posers. And imo most of the rappers that you thin have "talent", as i've seen in your posts in the top 5 thread, are absolute garbage and i personally think your lists are fucking horrid, but i never said anything.

And lol @ the last part of your comment, he's been rapping since i was in high school and he is probably far more successful than you are.
I don't give a rat's ass about whether a rapper is also a piece of shit drug slinging gang banger lol.

And lol @ the last part of your comment, he's been rapping since i was in high school and he is probably far more successful than you are.

Define success.

as i've seen in your posts in the top 5 thread, are absolute garbage and i personally think your lists are fucking horrid, but i never said anything.

I knew you did think that when I posted them without you saying anything, your taste in hip hop is retardedly limited arbitrarily to regions and whether the rapper is a criminal.

I don't respect criminals and I don't give a shit about which shitty hood they're reppin bruh.
I don't give a rat's ass about whether a rapper is also a piece of shit drug slinging gang banger lol.

I don't respect criminals and I don't give a shit about which shitty hood they're reppin bruh.

Yes, clearly you dont.

Anyway, that's good for you and i really don't give one bit of a fuck what some boondie on the other side of the planet thinks as far as rap goes :thumbsup:
If a rapper rapes an old lady, sells some drugs and then gets caught and goes to prison do they get immediately bumped into your top favourite rappers list?

Is Goatlord now your favourite metal band after Joe Frankulin went crazy and murdered some people?


If a rapper rapes an old lady, sells some drugs and then gets caught and goes to prison do they get immediately bumped into your top favourite rappers list? :lol:
Do you know many rappers that rap about raping people? If you rapped about raping anyone out here, you would get raped in the streets. LA is not fucking new york ... but what would you know, right?

None of the clowns you listed in your lists rap about selling drugs? A reality in black ghettoes? :lol: Oh no, sorry the guys you listen to like to PRETEND they sold drugs. It's so amazing how you think you know so much about our music, our politics, etc when in reality all you are doing is just fantasizing about our culture.
Telling stories about the reality of drug selling that goes on > rapping about crimes you actually commit IRL like a dumb piece of shit.
are you once again implying that most of the rappers you posted haven't rapped about selling drugs?

Rapping about crimes you actually committed might seem dumb to you. But rapping about crimes you PRETEND to have committed is truly laughable.
are you once again implying that most of the rappers you posted haven't rapped about selling drugs?

No idiot I'm directly saying that they're rapping about drug-selling as a form of storytelling (in most cases) as opposed to some Crip/Blood fuckhead who raps about crimes he actually commits, as if that makes any difference other than proving that they're destroying their own community.

It's hilarious to me that not that long ago you were moralizing about how drugs should remain illegal and that they destroy communities and how you would beat up a drug dealer if they dealt in your community, yet here you are giving rappers praise because they're real which just translates to they're pieces of shit who rap about crimes they commit.

Rapping about crimes you actually committed might seem dumb to you. But rapping about crimes you PRETEND to commit is truly laughable.

You're clearly too dense to understand the difference between a rapper telling stories about the streets vs. rappers telling stories about shit they did in the streets as if it makes them real men or cool or legit or some such other load of horseshit.

It's all completely irrelevant to the musical genre and the skill level of the rhymer.

And imo most of the rappers that you thin have "talent", as i've seen in your posts in the top 5 thread, are absolute garbage and i personally think your lists are fucking horrid, but i never said anything.

Also I highly doubt you've heard even half of all the albums I listed. :lol:
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No idiot I'm directly saying that they're rapping about drug-selling as a form of storytelling (in most cases) as opposed to some Crip/Blood fuckhead who raps about crimes he actually commits, as if that makes any difference other than proving that they're destroying their own community.

It's hilarious to me that not that long ago you were moralizing about how drugs should remain illegal and that they destroy communities and how you would beat up a drug dealer if they dealt in your community, yet here you are giving rappers praise because they're real which just translates to they're pieces of shit who rap about crimes they commit.

You're clearly too dense to understand the difference between a rapper telling stories about the streets vs. rappers telling stories about shit they did in the streets as if it makes them real men or cool or legit or some such other load of horseshit.

wow, i truly feel sorry for you. ARE YOU ONCE AGAIN IMPLYING THAT THE GUYS YOU LISTED HAVENT RAPPED ABOUT SLANGING CRACK AND PUSSY? WOW, and you have the nerve to call me dense, you fucking idiot? Are are you implying that the guys i listen to dont tell stories? Is it even possible to be that ignorant and separated from reality? Are you implying that west coast rappers arent the best at telling street stories? All this does is truly showcase your ignorance as far as rap goes. And the fact that you're implying that i think they are good people just because i stated that they rap about what they have actually done is very telling. But why am i not surprised? Being a poser is a part of who you are.

and as far as "storytelling" skill goes, most east coast rappers are are a joke imo
Sure thing, go stab someone and then rap about it, idiots like you might help you get famous. :lol:

Being from America doesn't make you any kind of expert on hip hop, especially when you limit yourself to artists who are actual criminals and only from the midwest, south and westcoast.

And like I said, I highly doubt you've heard even half of all the albums I listed, so like a typical poser you're talking shit about music you haven't even heard.
Sure thing, go stab someone and then rap about it, idiots like you might help you get famous. :lol:

Being from America doesn't make you any kind of expert on hip hop, especially when you limit yourself to artists who are actual criminals and only from the midwest, south and westcoast.
not a single thing you said here is true. But sure, keep going babygirl. This is rather interesting.

poser listens to poser rap. Why am i not surprised? :rolleyes:
Dumb thug only listens to artists who are dumb thugs, why am I not surprised? :rolleyes:

OMG, but the GZA isn't even a scientist! What a fake bitch! :lol:
i like pretenders
why am i not shocked?

Btw the west coast has far better rappers, especially in the "storytelling" aspect that you tried to mention earlier vs "look i can rhyme words and rap you about things i've never done".

"WHY IS A MUSIC SUBGENRE THAT WAS BORN IN THE STREETS ACTUALLY COMING FROM THE MOUTHS OF PEOPLE WHO ARE FROM THE STREETS?" what a joke. You have such low standards in everything .... music, movies, etc. Sad. Truly a simpleton.