The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

I used to quite like a few Muse songs, even though they’re often a second rate Radiohead or whatever. This used to be one of my favourites.

Frustrating band regardless. I like or at least used to like a few tracks from their second and third album, but even those are uneven and filled with songs I don’t like at all. Everything after the third album is basically garbage from what I’ve heard.

Yeah I get what you mean, they're pretty inconsistent and Bellamy is a real cunt by all accounts, but I like a few of their songs too, especially ones from Origin of Symmetry. "Knights of Cydonia" from Black Holes and Revelations is pretty great also.

saw james live in atlanta and it was my favorite performance ever, assume form isnt my favorite album from him but its still pretty good
Huge fan of Japanese multi-musician Osamu Kitajima. Some of the most trippy & unique stuff I've ever heard. Especially these two albums. Here is a song from each.

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