The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

^Kristi's got a new album out, haven't heard it yet myself.
I had never bothered to check out what she did after The 3rd and the Mortal. Looks like it's mostly Jazz and somewhat experimental stuff, not exactly my cup of tea. Didn't know she also played harp, as in this unusual cover of Abba's "The Day Before You Came":

I recently have gotten into the Eagles, not the country version of the band but the more rockin' style.. Pius they're more fun to play when they rock a bit more.. and there is nothing wrong with country music it's just not my cup of......hmmm.
I've been into just recently, Anita Baker..laugh if you will but I play metal most of the day so her music just brings me back down to earth. Her sound is a jazz-y type and the words are crazy good right when you need them..