The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

But you think Boston is better than everything. You don't even think Opeth is as great as Boston. If Boston were a rubber nipple, you would.......probably do something that has a whole lot to do with that rubber nipple. You're obsessed and should probably seek help.
who's with me on this one...cheesy yet awesome

That song is awesome! I know I've heard it before somewhere, but it's probably been forever. I'll have to check out Toto sometime. Please tell me the rest of their discog isn't a complete disaster, as it seems entirely possible with a band like that. :lol:
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That song is awesome! I know I've heard it before somewhere, but it's probably been forever. I'll have to check out Toto sometime. Please tell me the rest of their discog isn't a complete disaster, as it seems entirely possible with a band like that. :lol:

If you like the more 'mature' side of a band such as Led Zeppelin, or even the more grown up Winger stuff, you will find plenty to love about the last Toto studio album, 'Falling In Between'.

Bobby Kimball has always been a favorite voice of mine in the rock realm. My very favorite however is Dennis DeYoung. His tracks are just impossibly clean.
This is an old Swedish pop artist from the 70's, who I'm pretty sure would've been world famous had he chosen to do his songs in English, sometimes there's a very Americana-ish feel to his music. Guy jumped and got splattered in front of a train in the 90's which just adds to his awesomeness :)

Neat. I checked out some of his stuff on Youtube. Not that great imo, but he certainly would've had a chance of hitting mainstream if he'd sung in English.
disaster? you asked for it... Michael McDonald guest vocals:ill:

Jesus... yeah, I had a feeling it could get pretty low.

The video made it worthwhile though :lol:

If you like the more 'mature' side of a band such as Led Zeppelin, or even the more grown up Winger stuff, you will find plenty to love about the last Toto studio album, 'Falling In Between'.

Hmm, not sure if that helps me. I'm not familiar with Winger, and the only Zeppelin I can think of that would possibly be relevant to Toto is In Through the Out Door, which was horrible.
I only know this song by The Band, do they have whole records which are good?
The new Grizzly Bear is pretty fucking good. Not as downbeat or sad as Yellow House, though.
I only know this song by The Band, do they have whole records which are good?

That's not an original Band song, that's them covering "Atlantic City" by Bruce Springsteen.

But yes, The Band are fucking incredible. Their best releases are the self-titled and Music From Big Pink.
This is the best music video I've seen. Also I don't really care if you hate it just because the general style isn't 00s or whatever, it's clearly more interesting that big boots, white backgrounds and stomping etc.

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