The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

A Colombian singer. I doubt many here would like his music but since I'm Colombian it has some sort of sentimental value to me.

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Yeah, Perdition City is a fantastic album, definitely worth listening. Also give a listen to the A Quick Fix of Melancholy EP and Blood Inside.

Yeah I sure will.
I lay in bed the other evening and listened to Perdition City, and holy crap was Dead City Centres creepy, I got goosebumps. And then all of a sudden Catalept started, and I almost shat myself. The Psycho soundtrack has always been the scariest music I know, I couldn't keep listening and had to turn it down.
Yeah, I took that conversation to Non-Metal, but I suppose you meant this thread, not the Screamo thread over there. Oops.

Holy fuck...that's a little more than just screamo...that's slightly insane, haha. Good shit, dude.
I just got Perdition City yesterday. I love this so much more than Blood Inside and Kveldssange. I'm going to get the rest of Ulver's discography.

Speaking of Norwegian bands, here is a band a friend of mine got me hooked on.

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Great "depressive as fuck" swedish pop-rock...
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