The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.


This and In Casino/Out has been kicking my ass lately

Fucking awesome album dude. I love that one. Definitely one of my favorite non-metal albums.
I love Wedorje the most off UW. It's just so dreamy and exotic.

I don't remember that one specifically but as I recall my favorite is De Futura. It's the closest UW gets to the 'epic minimalism' of their other albums, but with a totally different twist that's just otherworldly and trippy as hell.
De Futura is great; it just runs for too long. Amazing album, regardless. It's a bit too careless in its arrangements, so perhaps the mood is slightly contrived.
What do you think of The Mars Volta?

I generally like all the albums, but Amp the best. I have to be in a certain mood to listen to Frances the Mute and the rest. All said and done, I enjoy them but not as much as At the Drive-In.
i like the fleet foxes s/t, especially 'heard them stirring' through to 'meadowlarks' (my fave 'your protector' lodged in between), that section's really lush. they do get a bit precious and effete for me in places though, that same kind of obnoxiously earnest yearning that puts me off terrence malick half the time, just to make a weird comparison while im thinking about it.

I really enjoy that section of the album too, but I'd say my favorite tracks are Blue Ridge Mountains, Tiger Mountain Peasant Song, Ragged Wood, White Winter Hymnal and the like. The only song of theirs I'm not too fond of is Oliver James, it's atrocious. Sun Giant is a great EP as well.
The only rap i can handle is the old school stuff like Too , Dre, Snoop, Bone Thugs n' Harmony, Do Or Die, Crucial Conflict. Outkast kick ass too.

Bone Thugs N' Harmony is the stuff. That and Chip Tha Ripper is really the only rap I will listen to. I will listen to others, but I prefer these two out of anything. These are the ones I will put on and get all pumped about.
I like some stuff by Scooter.

The O Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack was quite neat.

This. :lol: That movie got my dad and uncle to form a bluegrass band with their friends called Wood N' Nickle. Also our beagle is named Delmar. :kickass:
[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

<3 Clan of Xymox.