The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

And look where it got them.

I don't know why you feel compelled to argue with everyone, but I don't appreciate it.

Look where it got them? Do you have a crystal ball? Holy shit, you must be joking. The guy was a fucking Cy Young Candidate and was THE BEST option to start the game. It was either Carmona, Sabathia (who has not been as good as Carmona this post season) or one of two inferior pitchers. There's no question about it that Carmona was the hands down the best option. The fact that he didn't perform well doesn't even enter into it since there's not way to predict it, and since he was a dominant pitcher all season, it stands to reason to assume that he should pitch well in a big game. Maybe if Eric Wedge has the ability to see into the future he'd have started Paul Byrd.

I don't feel "compelled" to argue with everyone. I argue with people who say things that I disagree with. And I don't really expect you to appreciate it.
You're right that it's within reason to suspect that he would do well. However, I don't know about you, but a few days after a terrible performance, facing the same team, I wouldn't expect him to do any better. That's also perfectly within reason.

And fuck, good thing there are billions of people who disagree with you on billions of things, or else you'd just be one lonely son of a bitch.
You're right that it's within reason to suspect that he would do well. However, I don't know about you, but a few days after a terrible performance, facing the same team, I wouldn't expect him to do any better. That's also perfectly within reason.

No it fucking isn't within reason to suspect that he'd do poorly tonight and even if it was, he's STILL a better bet than Byrd or Westbrook. Which is why he started the game tonight.

How about this: Carmona pitched an 8 inning shutout against the Red Sox this season.

You're the manage. You're team is about to play game 7 of the world series. To start the game, you can choose between Johan Santana or Sidney Ponson. Santana won game 1 and lost game 5, and due to a couple of off-days is rested enough to pitch again. Ponson pitched reasonably well and won game 4.

Who do you start?

Obviously you start Sanatana, and if he gets rocked and you lose, you still made the right choice because you'd have to be on crack to NOT start him. Sometimes good pitchers will fail and sometimes poor pitchers will succeed. That's baseball. There would have been no justification for starting anyone other than Carmona for tonights game. The fact that he failed is irrelevant.

And fuck, good thing there are billions of people who disagree with you on billions of things, or else you'd just be one lonely son of a bitch.

What the fuck does that even mean? Either way, I severly doubt that anyone other than you would have thought starting someone else would have been a good idea.
What the fuck does that even mean? Either way, I severly doubt that anyone other than you would have thought starting someone else would have been a good idea.

It means you're a fucking loser who argues over trivial and inconsequential shit.

This is you:
"Waaah :cry: my opinion is right because it's mine, and is obviously right because it's not yours! :cry:"
It means you're a fucking loser who argues over trivial and inconsequential shit.

This is you:
"Waaah :cry: my opinion is right because it's mine, and is obviously right because it's not yours! :cry:"

If we're going in that route, I'll do you:

"Hey, I apparently don't know shit about baseball. I'd start Jake Westbrook over Fausto Carmona in a playoff game."

Also, if I'm a "fucking loser" for arguing about this, than so are you since you're arguing with me. And it seems like you're the one who can't handle being disagree with, since you're the one taking offense. I'm arguing with you because you made a stupid fucking point.

Actually, the fact that he performed so poorly against the same team to recently is a perfectly valid reason to consider starting somebody else in his place. It's just one of many factors to consider, however. to put it off-hand as if it's of no consequence is symptomatic of homosexual behavior, however, and we all know how bad the gays are.

I really don't think it is. You have a pitcher who has been dominant all though the regular seasona and was dominant in his first start of the post season, and you are going to give the ball to an inferior pitcher based on one game? Even if it was recently against the same team, he's still a superior pitcher than Byrd and Westbrook. All things considered, Carmona is the obvious choice. It's just like the Yankees in game 4 of the ALDS. Would you have started Mussina over Wang? Even though Wang had sucked in game 1 and then proceeded to suck in game 4, he was still an obviosly better choice than M"ussina.
If we're going in that route, I'll do you:

"Hey, I apparently don't know shit about baseball. I'd start Jake Westbrook over Fausto Carmona in a playoff game."

Also, if I'm a "fucking loser" for arguing about this, than so are you since you're arguing with me. And it seems like you're the one who can't handle being disagree with, since you're the one taking offense. I'm arguing with you because you made a stupid fucking point.

The difference is I don't do it every fucking day.

I really don't think it is. You have a pitcher who has been dominant all though the regular seasona and was dominant in his first start of the post season, and you are going to give the ball to an inferior pitcher based on one game? Even if it was recently against the same team, he's still a superior pitcher than Byrd and Westbrook. All things considered, Carmona is the obvious choice. It's just like the Yankees in game 4 of the ALDS. Would you have started Mussina over Wang? Even though Wang had sucked in game 1 and then proceeded to suck in game 4, he was still an obviosly better choice than M"ussina.

Holy fucking shit, this is like saying:
"Well, that guy jumped off of this 746 foot high bridge and died... but I'm a proffesional diver, so I won't get hurt."

And if you don't understand this analogy and it's relevance, you're a dolt.
It is though.

Sure it's a factor, but one game- even if it was recently- is a much smaller factor than an entire season.

PS: You think this should get moved to the sports thread?

The difference is I don't do it every fucking day.

Nor do I. You have this odd tendency to attribute habits to people when that they don't have. Stop it.

Holy fucking shit, this is like saying:
"Well, that guy jumped off of this 746 foot high bridge and died... but I'm a proffesional diver, so I won't get hurt."

And if you don't understand this analogy, you're a dolt.

Despite the fact that your analogy makes sense, it is still very retarded. Wedge went with the best pitcher he had available, as did Torre in game 4. As it turns out, both pitcher did poorly. It's one of those freak things. It happens sometimes, and it is very odd. It would have even more odd id Wedge and Torrer had each gone with inferior pitchers and won. Are you new to this whole baseball thing? I will try use terms that even you can understand:

Fausto Carmona is better than Paul Byrd. He is also better than Jake Westbrook. Though he may have lost to the Red Sox recently, this does not outweigh the fact that he is a superior pitcher. By the same token, Chien Ming-Wang, in 2007, was vasty superior to Mike Mussina. Therefore, it was much wiser to start Wang over Mussina just as it was wiser to start Carmona over Byrd or Westbrook.

If you ask Wedge or Torre is they could go back in time and change their decision (which, I believe, someone did ask Torre and someone is probably asking Wedge right now) I promise you that neither one of them would have done anything differently. You can second guess all you want, but both of them made the correct move and both of them got bit in the ass for it. It happens.
LadyValerie I am surprised at you. TIACN I agree with you 100%. You'd have to be nuts not to start a 3.06 ERA 19 game winner. ESPECIALLY when your other two choices are rather poor. Fausto Carmona was the best pitcher. His previous poor performance in one game, albeit recent, cannot overtake such a wide gap in quality that occurred during the season. Eric Wedge should take no blame for starting My Man Fausto in game 6.

EDIT @ Nec: You're definitely right, and if Wedge had a slightly worse pitcher that had done well, then this discussion might be intersting. However, Byrd and Westbrook are much worse than Carmona
I'm not saying that it is applicable to this particular scenario, but the conduct of one game can certainly be a very prominent determinant for the next game. Regardless of how great a player has been all season, everybody goes through slumps. A superior pitcher is not necessarily always the better option is all I'm saying.

True, but Carmona was not horrible last game. 4 runs in 4 innings keeps your team in the game and you can't be great all the time. He's a rookie and has never been in such a momentous game before. You gotta go with the guy who carried you to the playoffs and performed well in them.

It would be inconceivable if Wedge started anyone over Carmona. He has the best stuff I think I've ever seen.
I'm not saying that it is applicable to this particular scenario, but the conduct of one game can certainly be a very prominent determinant for the next game. Regardless of how great a player has been all season, everybody goes through slumps. A superior pitcher is not necessarily always the better option is all I'm saying.

Ah, gotchya. I agree that recent poor performance is a factor when the choice is between pitchers / players of near equal ability, but I'd still choose a slumping Alex Rodriguez over a hot Joe Crede or Brandon Inge.
Just finished playing Diablo 2 for a few hours while listening to Kyuss. Probly gonna hit the sack soon.