The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

tyeryeryrety346y45rvc I hate that top collar button on dress shirts, it takes me like 10 minutes to button it plus my neck is like a tree trunk, and then my thumb hurts like the fingernail is being shoved down into the skin, which, it grows that way anyway because I have something weird with my nails but I hate buttoning that top button.

Also I rule at ties, pretty much I'm the best there is at tying my own tie.

Also hard boiled eggs ftw. And those V8 Fusion things.
Eggs are great food. Same with bananas. And tuna.

I am drinking

and watching Six Feet Under.
Tomorrow I'm going to a meal with some friends as it's Sam's birthday. Last time I went to this particular restaurant was another one of his birthdays, years ago, anyway the woman at the little bar part gave me about 6 free drinks. She was quite pretty. I suppose it's doubtful that she'll have stayed in waitressing for 5 or 6 years though. started counting my number of total plays again for no apparent reason so I've played 13 tracks since April 06'. Oki.
I'd be curious to see how many I've had in total. I've reset it a few times through the years as for a long time I pretty much only used it to remind me of gigs and to find new artists.