The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Gonna have an awesome day of lazing in bed and out playing with snow since we've got about a foot that laid down last night. This is awesome, we never get snow like this.
I just want winter to end, and this awful cold weather and snow to just leave...winters over here really seem to drag on. I want rain!
I on the other hand, am getting very tired of sweating. We had our hottest day on record in Melbourne on Friday (45°C).
Destructicon 2000 and Old Crow are my brainchildren, but I only play drums, and I need assistance to make these bands happen. I'd either make better friends soon or learn how to play other things.

That's what I did. I started on drums but couldn't find a guitarist (or at least one that played well). So I picked up the guitar. I'd offer assistance if I still lived in Chicago, but sadly I do not.

I'm sitting in class right now. My Business class is so boring. We have yet to actually learn anything, and we're doing the same general work we did in our business class last term. If it doesn't change I'll have a complaint. I don't want to pay for a class that teaches me nothing.
Stop thinking and start doing.

edit: I just went on a porn site and searched nun. All I found was a video of a chick masturbating with a nunchaku.