The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just had an earth tremor here, my desk started shaking. 4.6 on the richter scale apparently. We don't get earthquakes 'round these parts, so it was rather freaky.
I'm currently in a competition with a friend to see how long we can stay silent. The winner receives 20 dollars. Unfortunately in the heat of the moment of declaring this competition I forget that I was at a disadvantage because I actually have classes whereas my friend does not. We'll see what happens but as of now I've been silent for about 13 hours.
I received offers of admission from UMASS Amherst and University of Toronto. Unfortunately, I didn't get the program I wanted at UoT, and my alternative (which must have been the best one but it fucking sucks) is Life Sciences. Fuck this shit. It's looking like McGill for me.
I received offers of admission from UMASS Amherst and University of Toronto. Unfortunately, I didn't get the program I wanted at UoT, and my alternative (which must have been the best one but it fucking sucks) is Life Sciences. Fuck this shit. It's looking like McGill for me.

Why will you study in Canada instead of USA??
Cheaper. The good schools are easier to get into. USA is going to shit.
Plus, their laws concerning various substances are somewhat looser. Not a factor for me, but the cake comes with icing if you know what I mean.

What didn't you get into? I have a couple Life Sciences friends and they always complain about having lots of work, but that's the nature of most programs.

Let me see if I remember...the app was a long time ago and I didn't really spend much time on it.
Social Sciences, I think.

What are you in, by the way?
Also, what's the deal with the schools? I'm in New School apparently, had no idea what that was about.
I drink beer with a beer bong

No need to if it's quality.

Just got done eating meatloaf "MOM! THE MEATLOAF!!"
I was going to do some pushups etc but i'm feeling lazy.