The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Reading a warning I got on this forum, haha. Apparently some of you retards are offended by the image of a naked male.
Having a horrible day. This morning I was very frustrated for reasons I won't get into itt and punched a wall. Fortunately for my hand, the wall wasn't very hard. Unfortunately for me, the wall wasn't very hard. There's now a hole in the wall. Unfortunately, this wall is in my house. I am so fucked.

The rest of my day sucked too.

I didn't even punch the fucking wall very hard. Really, it was a shitty wall. They should be glad I kicked it's ass. FUCK.
At least I didn't break my hand, that would have been embarrassing.
Sitting here thinking about how shit my March Break's been thus far. :lol:

Fuck people need to be here so I can hang out and shiz.
Talking to JAGE on msn. Sent him some porn but his mother is in the next room so he's waiting until later to watch it.
I UHM SCEWRED. I DUHN'T WANNA CUHM OUTSIDISH, BECAUHSE I UHM SCEWRED OF PUPILS. PEUPELS. PUEPLS. No seriously, I really start to feel unconfortable being outside meeting various people and I'd perhaps rather have a farm of pupils but peoples. MY CUHNT IS ITCHING.
fucking awesome day. I went on this little Chopin binge, and got extremely inspired.


I sat down on the piano, and as gay as this may seem, I channeled something and now I have this classical piece I wrote. No fucking idea how it happened, it just came out.

anyways, WOOO
Having a horrible day. This morning I was very frustrated for reasons I won't get into itt and punched a wall. Fortunately for my hand, the wall wasn't very hard. Unfortunately for me, the wall wasn't very hard. There's now a hole in the wall. Unfortunately, this wall is in my house. I am so fucked.

The rest of my day sucked too.

I didn't even punch the fucking wall very hard. Really, it was a shitty wall. They should be glad I kicked it's ass. FUCK.
At least I didn't break my hand, that would have been embarrassing.
Just tape a piece of paper over it and paint it.