The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Psy and goa. Astral Projection, Electric Universe, Time Lock, Jirah, Transwave, etc. Right now, the new Atma, The Secrets of Meditation.
A few people knife-haxed me too. WTF m8.

alright, my new dude is called ph4il-yore, and he just killed 5 people in a row before getting owned by someone's random pet bear + a trident in the 6th fight. Apparently I signed up for some sort of arena battle tomorrow? Fight me tomorrow then, biches.
Just got back from visiting Northwestern University. Great campus. I think this is where I will end up going to if NYU ends up being too much money, which I am guessing it will be.

Northwestern is very hard to get into and is very expensive as well
Since you guys were calling me an attention whore I'll tell the story of last night. So I went out to a bar and got some whiskey and then left the bar. On the way back to my Uncle's apartment I met two girls and I talked with them and smoked a shitload on the way to their friends house. We arrived at his house and drank some more and smoked some more and watched tv. Then I left and the guy insisted before I leave I should try Peruvian weed so I did and then left and got lost and my taxi driver didn't know where to go so I got back at 2:30 in the morning.
Back from my show. The girl I'm soon to ask out stopped by the station during the last song. We went back to my dorm and hung out a bit. It was so sweet of her.