The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

So my English teacher has pneumonia and will be out all week.
1. Serves her right. Fucking bitch.
2. Means tomorrow I don't have to go in until 10:15
3. Meants thursday I don't have to go in until 12:15
4. Friday I also don't have to go in until 10:15
5. Vacation starts Friday at 2:45
6. All of the above fucking rule
Yeah, it's gonna be a pretty good rest of the week also.

Tomorrow I have a pizza party in computer class cuz we rule
Thursday is a normal day
Friday I'm going on a field trip to KVCC (it's a community college my teacher teaches at once a week, and my whole computer class is going) I heard it will be awesome.
Also, after staying up till 2AM to finish it (and getting up at 7) I turned in my history paper (it's on the short side, the last couple pages are drivel, and a significant portion is in fact a work of fiction but the first half or so is well-researched and convincing) Here's hoping he doesn't have time to read the full 300 pages of papers turned in by the time grades are due on thursday and just grades the first half.

Also, I got a perfect score on my penis.
I should be studying and writing a paper, but I'm gonna do most of that tomorow. I am gonna read some psychology and take an online quiz instead, and probably go see the new seth rogan movie later.


*lights up stake*

*passes out posters of Xorv*
