The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

You fuckers made me play Age Of Empires, I have played 4 hours already.

That discussion made me go find my old AOE2 discs. I found the main game but couldn't find the expansion (which adds many features that dramatically improve it), but I did find Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. Short story: I played one game of Age of Kings and realized how much better the Conquerors makes it and am most of the way through PoP:WW (which I never played before).
you shoulda left the entrails there, and played some watain

anyways, im sitting here listening to sargeist and wishing i werent at work
Brewing coffee, just got back from doing a bunch of shit work earlier, basically get little money to clear out their back yard which is basically old soda bottles/cans,beer bottles,deadwood,TV's,etc.. you name it just built up into a pile of shit. A friend and I have to take it to the dump tomorrow once we get a trailer to pull. Typical shit outdoor work and a complete mess. People basically don't take care of their property and it's like its own dump. It's like sorting through a dump and than bringing the shit to another dump. Atleast got stoned before and can buy pot and smokes.
listening to everything on the southern lord page. this ascend stuff is pretty cool, and gave me an idea for a song (indirectly, which is kinda weird)
Back from my trip down to Connecticut.

I was kinda pissed that I couldn't celebrate 4/20 because my friends were back at school.
I'm probably going to apply to University of Virginia next year. I hope Virginia doesn't suck, but then again I live in Arizona so almost anything would be better.
Doesn't sound all that great.

More like Beerginia tbh.

I'm probably going to apply to University of Virginia next year. I hope Virginia doesn't suck, but then again I live in Arizona so almost anything would be better.

I have little perspective from which to judge, but the rural areas in the west are very pretty, and there are plenty of old cities here with a lot of character (though not necessarily the most extravagant nightlife). UVA seems like a nice school, though I've heard some say it's full of yuppies/preps.

I would guess it's better here than in Arizona though, yeah.