The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Bred from the bowels
Sheep one and all
Bound by the doctrine of lies
To fucked human shit, I shout blasphemy
As I make my way through to
The promised land

Smell of shit is so foul
Writhe in disgust
Earth heaves and death comes to call
All the waste - Cling to your lie
You are as sand and the wind blows
My disgust - A fever
To kill a thousand more

Gene dead from birth
God's holy fuck
Canonized but of no use to me
Human shit, waste begone from my earth!
In Engineering. Double block = killer. Soon school will be over and I can go home and chill. Got some song ideas I need to get down.
Drinking coffee for the first time today. A friend and I got done jamming about an hour ago and started at about 11 in the morning and actually got one song done which I had written prior and am pretty tired.
Listening to Terrorizer, playing on my Mac. So fucking fun! Mostly, though, I'm avoiding yard work. The old lady and her friend are clipping the rose bushes and junk...