The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Everyone lost interest...

I'm dicking around with my new protools software. We're recording here Sunday (drums anyway) and I'm trying to decide if I like the protools or just do it how I normally would. We have three songs we need to record. It's gonna be killer.
Banged my shin with the edge of the board right now, busted a flew capillaries. It's swelling some, but doesn't really hurt. I'll go back out once the sun goes down some.

Not bad.

Finished applying to a summer program in cognitive neuroscience.
Gonna go practice guitar in a minute. I need to rehearse both a song I'm teaching my band (practice sunday at long last) and a piece I'm playing for my history class as a final project next tuesday.
Also, I talked my mom into letting me skip on senior skip day. She agreed on the condition that I cook dinner. I'm fine with that. Three day weekend ftmfw. Also, this means I've suffered through my last monday in high school. :kickass:

It blows my mind that there's only two weeks of high school left. I really love this place, but I'm ready to move on. I think I might cry at some point, but in a masculine way, like I'm grieving for a fallen comrade who was slain in bloody and manly combat.

...and the post is too long. Woops.
Not bad.

Finished applying to a summer program in cognitive neuroscience.
Gonna go practice guitar in a minute. I need to rehearse both a song I'm teaching my band (practice sunday at long last) and a piece I'm playing for my history class as a final project next tuesday.
Also, I talked my mom into letting me skip on senior skip day. She agreed on the condition that I cook dinner. I'm fine with that. Three day weekend ftmfw. Also, this means I've suffered through my last monday in high school. :kickass:

It blows my mind that there's only two weeks of high school left. I really love this place, but I'm ready to move on. I think I might cry at some point, but in a masculine way, like I'm grieving for a fallen comrade who was slain in bloody and manly combat.

...and the post is too long. Woops.

You're going to to McGill, right?

Also, NYU stopped using the ACT/SAT for admission. They have this mix and match system now. Pretty cool.
That's badass. I might apply there; I would like to try that or UoT. I still have a little while to choose. Obviosuly, NYC is what I am looking to the most.
That's badass. I might apply there; I would like to try that or UoT. I still have a little while to choose. Obviosuly, NYC is what I am looking to the most.

Can you afford NYU? Will you even get in? I got waitlisted, although tbh I didn't put much effort into the writing section of my app. But you need mad bank. Columbia is also quite pricey and even more selective. There are some other schools in the city but they're not as good by a long shot. If you want to go to college in New York you should go to college in Toronto. Cookie is best qualified as he goes there, but Toronto struck me as a cleaner New York and UoT was very impressive and also quite easy to get into.

What is it specifically about New York you like?

Also, are you looking into BU? I recommend you don't, as it's not a great school and it's not a great place to go school.

I assume from all this you're finishing your junior year. Don't believe the lies about second semester. Fourth quarter, maybe, but second and third quarters are fucking ridiculously stressful.
Yeah, NYU won't be to hard for me at all. Considering the new test system they have going. My ACT that I took was a 30 and I have pretty much all 5's on my A.P's save for two. Columbia seems like a place I would want to go to, but I have no way into getting into that school.

I like New York because of the culture and the feeling the city has. It's just my type of place; I need a big, moving city.

Is UoT a good school? What is the city like?

I was looking into BU but I have not visited. It seems nice, you don't approve?
Is UoT a good school? What is the city like?
U of T is a good school. Probably not at the level of NYU but better than the majority of US state schools. Probably the best or second best university in Canada. 30 Rock once called Toronto "New York without all the stuff". This is kind of accurate but some of that "stuff" includes high crime. It's a nice city with plenty of things to do. It is very multicultural and the public transit is decent. I enjoy living here.
Yeah, NYU won't be to hard for me at all. Considering the new test system they have going. My ACT that I took was a 30 and I have pretty much all 5's on my A.P's save for two. Columbia seems like a place I would want to go to, but I have no way into getting into that school.

I was looking into BU but I have not visited. It seems nice, you don't approve?
Doesn't the ACT go up to 36 or something? Although I don't really know the NYU system...

You can get a good education at BU but it's not a great school. The student body is largely composed of idiots. Lots of frat kids and shit like that. Friday nights are pretty bad. Sometimes they pee on our lawn. The campus is okay, but the dorms are shit. Boston isn't a particularly great place. You'll definitely get into both BU and Toronto and between those, Toronto is cheaper, in a better location, and a better school.

U of T is a good school. Probably not at the level of NYU but better than the majority of US state schools. Probably the best or second best university in Canada. 30 Rock once called Toronto "New York without all the stuff". This is kind of accurate but some of that "stuff" includes high crime. It's a nice city with plenty of things to do. It is very multicultural and the public transit is decent. I enjoy living here.
That was the impression I got, although I was mostly around the financial district which may not be the most happenin' place.

The high crime thing is something of a misconception about NYC, it used to be really bad but it's not really an issue now unless you want to hang out in dodgy areas; my attractive white female cousin got lost in Harlem with a couple female friends in the middle of the night and they were fine.

From wiki:
Since 2005 the city has had the lowest crime rate among the 25 largest U.S. cities, having become significantly safer after a spike in crime in the 1980s and early 1990s from the crack epidemic that impacted many neighborhoods.

Sorry to go overboard, but it's a really dumb and outdated misconception.

Tenner WAIF ends up not going to Uni.

If this was spoken out loud it would sound like "tenner waif," which I would assume to be some British slang for a cheap young whore.