The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Trying to read Virginia Wooooolf. Fucking stupid British people who write plotless meandering fucking novels like this.
Playing Oblivion for a while. I literally have nothing to do today. Probably gonna play 360, finish signing up for classes (fingers crossed...) and study for finals.
Going to the shop today to buy new shoes. My old ones ripped on the seam of the sole where it has almost completely fallen off. I could put my foot through there. Then going to figure out whether the dealer ship is going to accept my offer of 3k on my old Land Rover or whether they're just going to stick with their original offer, 2k. Either way I need the money to put a down payment on a new vehicle that actually works. I'm tired of not having a car.
Finished with Virginia Woolf. Don't get why people like this. Gonna go play Titan Quest and go to bed. School tomorrow. Fuck.