The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Yeah, NYU won't be to hard for me at all. Considering the new test system they have going. My ACT that I took was a 30 and I have pretty much all 5's on my A.P's save for two. Columbia seems like a place I would want to go to, but I have no way into getting into that school.

I like New York because of the culture and the feeling the city has. It's just my type of place; I need a big, moving city.

Is UoT a good school? What is the city like?

I was looking into BU but I have not visited. It seems nice, you don't approve?

You might also want to consider University of Chicago, since you could probably get in, and its a fairly prestigious school as well. Plus, Chicago has Metal Haven and Kuma's
I would love to go there, but that school is a bit above my chances to get into. UoC is basically a Ivy Leauge school without being in the actual club; their rankings are insane. My chances getting into the school would be higher if my ACT were higher but 3 or 4 points, plus a ton more activites that releate to math and science. Their academics are great and the expereince on the teaching side would be unmatched, almost unbeatable. My only reserves of going to a school like that is that I live in the suburbs of Chicago now and I don't find the city very fun. Yes, it is clean and pleasent but not very active. Spending all my life here, I need some place else to thrive. The other major aspect is that, as many on the board know, I like to party and be social and, from what I have heard from people I know who attend the school, the school lacks any social life and parties are a very rare event. I love Kuma's, though. Such a pleasent place.
I have friend the students there are cultureless and boring. Sure, it may be a good school but I am not going to bust my ass now to have a terrible time later. NYU seems like a ton more fun. McGill would be great, also.
I would love to go there, but that school is a bit above my chances to get into. UoC is basically a Ivy Leauge school without being in the actual club; their rankings are insane. My chances getting into the school would be higher if my ACT were higher but 3 or 4 points, plus a ton more activites that releate to math and science. Their academics are great and the expereince on the teaching side would be unmatched, almost unbeatable. My only reserves of going to a school like that is that I live in the suburbs of Chicago now and I don't find the city very fun. Yes, it is clean and pleasent but not very active. Spending all my life here, I need some place else to thrive. The other major aspect is that, as many on the board know, I like to party and be social and, from what I have heard from people I know who attend the school, the school lacks any social life and parties are a very rare event. I love Kuma's, though. Such a pleasent place.

Your scores are fine, I have a friend that scored a 25 on the ACT and didn't do well on any AP tests and she got in. But yeah, I definitely see your point, I've only been here 3 years but I'm sure if I was here longer I would want to be somewhere else. And yeah, I've pretty much heard the same things from people going there. Anyways good luck with where you go :kickass:
Not bad.

Finished applying to a summer program in cognitive neuroscience.
Gonna go practice guitar in a minute. I need to rehearse both a song I'm teaching my band (practice sunday at long last) and a piece I'm playing for my history class as a final project next tuesday.

What summer program is it?
I was out cold last night from some orange haze or whatever the fuck it is called. It's the next morning and im still feeling it.
I just ate the fuck out of some anchovies. FUCKING ANCHOVIES, FUCKING ATE THAT DEAD DISMEMBERED SCUM.
The business school is pretty awesome, but I heard campus life sucks there.

Around here the nickname is "where fun goes to die."

Back from a jam. It really fucking sucked. Our drummer couldn't show up. I was hoping we would just work on some acoustic material but the other guys just wound up dicking around for a couple hours. I don't think our rhythm guitarist has any fucking interest in this. The thing is, it's his house we play at. I guess we might be able to use my basement, but finding a replacement will be a bitch etc. Besides which he's my friend.