The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Why? Lots of people do it. It's better than being one of those lame douchebags who don't give a fuck and are just in it to get a degree so they can be a doctor so their parents won't be ashamed of them. I plan on actually caring about what I'm doing in college, and right now I don't see that happening.

Aren't you supposed to chose something that is of interest to you in college? That should be enough to make you care already. If you don't care about what you're choosing right now I can't see you caring a lot more in 1 year. What will really change in that year to make you care?

I was actually thinking of taking a year off back then to do what you're thinking of doing...glad my friends talked me out of that. What's the point of working some crappy job in a movie theater for a year when you could study in something you love (or least something that you should love...)'re going to be making 17k for a year making minimum wage...when you'll probably be able to make at least twice as much when you actually graduate. You should really use that year to work towards your degree it will pay off a lot more that basically loosing a year to do basically nothing useful.
"Taking a year off" sounds so spoiled to me, unless you're gonna work that year. Basically what you're doing is adding an extra year for your parents to spend money on your food and living.
I want to work to save up for not working (HOLIDAYS UN TRYIN TO GET LAID WITH FOREIGN LASSES N STUFF) then go to uni.

I'm not saving up to pay for uni. Meh to that. I don't see the point when I can make more money afterwards.
16,800 before taxes, but factor in payroll taxes, state and local, etc and you're looking at, maybe 13-14k tops. You'll probably end up blowing a third of that on crap you've been wanting for a while too, so that leaves about 9k
I fail to see the negative side of getting a bunch of shit I want (aka Peavey amp, Blackouts, an SM57) and a fuckton of CDs while spending a larger portion (than right now) of my time listening to metal, jamming with my band, and playing video games without the nagging feeling that I'm a total failure at life because I'll be going to an elite school next year.

Look at it this way: up to this point in my life I've never made a huge mistake, i.e. one that had a serious and obvious negative impact on the course of my life or that dramatically affected the immediate quality of my life. So if this turns out to be a bad decision, I'm still about 2 under par.
I fail to see the negative side of getting a bunch of shit I want (aka Peavey amp, Blackouts, an SM57) and a fuckton of CDs while spending a larger portion (than right now) of my time listening to metal, jamming with my band, and playing video games without the nagging feeling that I'm a total failure at life because I'll be going to an elite school next year.

Look at it this way: up to this point in my life I've never made a huge mistake, i.e. one that had a serious and obvious negative impact on the course of my life or that dramatically affected the immediate quality of my life. So if this turns out to be a bad decision, I'm still about 2 under par.

We'll see what happens a year from now. Complacency will grow within you every day you aren't in school.