The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I have a Budweiser bag that I got free when I worked at a drinks distributors and I'm not proud of it. I really don't like beer like that. Kronenbourg is more to my taste. Or even Vodka, just not shitty pisswater beer.
In Colombia. Being feasted upon by mosquitos like a piece of fried chicken thrown in an african village.
I have a hard time getting into ales, the Sam Adams lineup being a prime example.

If I am not drinking a "regular" American beer, I usually prefer wheat beers/bock.
How you can drink Natty and then say Keystone tastes like shit is beyond me. Natty is pretty gross.

I am looking forward to being on the east coast again for a bit to get me some Yuengling!

Had Yuengling once and it was alright

Can't we just agree American beer is utter rubbish?

Your face is utter rubbish

Sam Adams is superior to most American beers.

This would be correct if the word 'Oktoberfest' was after 'Sam Adams', but it isn't so you're wrong

Budweiser is in-fucking-credibly superior.

I agree, but I can't drink more than two without feeling bloated

Budweiser is also fucking awful.

Your sex life is fucking awful

Kronenburg is more to my taste.

Kronenburg rules
Going out to see a cool girl metal band so going down the gym to do a few rounds of sparring have a shower. START ON THE COLD ONES THEN TUBE TO CAMDEN WITH MY LADY:kickass::kickass::kickass::headbang::headbang: