The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Listening to the Pan.Thy.Monium reissue double-CD I bought and forgot about, finally. Dawn of Dreams is awesome so far.

Got work at 7 AM, sadly.
Just realised I walked out of a restaurant last night without paying the $240 bill. A friend of mine gave what me what I thought was the money she owed me wrapped in a piece of paper that she'd been working out the total on, when in fact it was the money we owed for dinner, wrapped in the bill. I feel so dirty.
Woke up after only a few hours of sleep. Gonna burn a cd then clean the house while I listen to it and hopefully take a nap.
I'm 18. Also fucking lol if this video was aimed at people who were in their 40s at the time it came out:

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