The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just saw The Hangover with my dad. He was unimpressed, and it was a waste of money. I loved it, though. Ceaselessly hilarious.
Got back like 3 hours ago from seeing Queensryche, Zappa Plays Zappa, and Dream Theater. It was intense.
There must be something about pub atmospheres that makes you drunker.

I drink just as much, if not more, when I'm chilling at home and drinking, but my posts are still legible, and I don't wake up with a hangover.
Highly intoxicated, deciding on what I wish to consume before I hibernate for the next 9 hours. Souls or PB&J, whichever I come across easier I suppose.
Yeah, I was very hesitant on this one. I really thought Borat was funny and an original-esque concept and was sad to see a follow up. Also your right, the whole movie looked as if it were revolving around how uncomfortable he could make people with his flamboyant routine.
^Yeah, it was basically just a bunch of dicks flopping around for two hours. Not very funny at all.

Got back like 3 hours ago from seeing Queensryche, Zappa Plays Zappa, and Dream Theater. It was intense.

Nice. I should be seeing that in about two weeks, although without QR.
Got back like 3 hours ago from seeing Queensryche, Zappa Plays Zappa, and Dream Theater. It was intense.

Oh I went to a gig like that but without them bands Motorhead Heaven & Hell & Maiden plays Maiden

It was a cool gig till the singer from Maiden plays Maiden put his hand down the back his pants and then put his fingers under my nose!!!!!!! ALL HELL BROKE FUCKIN LOOSE