The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Listening to Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, I love that album. I might put some CDs on ebay tonight. If anyone is interested in Raven - stay hard and life's a bitch(nwobhm), Machine head - through ashes of something , and anthrax - the collection message me.
Putting paddy on ignore

i just wrapped a guys chair in bubble wrap, and made a fort over another guys desk out of cardboard

hurray for petty vandalism
Dude Shark Week is awesome. Is there anything new this year though? Is there an Air Jaws III or something?

"Here we are on Seal Island. There's been a new innovation amongst these stunningly adaptive great whites this year - they now have laser vision."
on the topic of shark week...

You're like a... Great White Shark!

You are the most dominant and aggressive shark known to man! You hardly have any predators because you are at the top of the food chain. Your 3,000-plus teeth are razor sharp and help you rip your food apart into chunks so you can swallow it without chewing. You can live about two months on one good meal. You mainly enjoy swimming alone in cool waters in the Southern Hemisphere, and you are the least intelligent of all sharks.

ouch... not entirely sure about the result, as i am neither stupid or aggressive

edit: tweaked one or two answers (where i live and how many kids) and i got:

You're like a... Hammerhead Shark!

You may be goofy, but don’t think other sea creatures aren’t aware of you! You like to swim in large schools, and your sleek and slender figure lets you get up to speeds of 25 mph. You are normally calm unless provoked, and you usually feed around dusk. You like to live in tropical climates with warm waters, and most of your litters have up to 25 little sharks!

i didnt actually throw down. i actually kept close to the back. too many flying fists.

i'll tell you what though. there was this dude in a wheel chair that parked himself in the center of the pit for the entire show. THAT is fuckin hardcore
The motor in my driver's side window crapped out on me, now I can't get it back up, got my shoulders sunburned trying to fix it, now...Just sitting here trying to make more contacts in Europe so I can get my band back out there for some more touring.