The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I just took the "what kind of shark are you?" quiz and they completely got it wrong. They said I was a Hammerhead shark. Their description of the Hammerhead is:

You may be goofy, but don’t think other sea creatures aren’t aware of you! You like to swim in large schools, and your sleek and slender figure lets you get up to speeds of 25 mph. You are normally calm unless provoked, and you usually feed around dusk. You like to live in tropical climates with warm waters, and most of your litters have up to 25 little sharks!

"Sleek and slender figure"-no. I said I was big.

"You are normally calm unless provoked"-no. I said I was angry all the time.

"You usually feed around dusk"-no. 8am, 12pm, 5pm, and 11pm are my feeding times.

"You like to live in tropical climates"-no. I unfortunately live in Florida, USA, but I would much rather live in a cool place, like New England, Washington state, or northern Europe.

"25 little sharks!"-no. I said a couple. 25 is not a couple.

So the moral of the story,I think, is that doesn't know shit about sharks or Floridians.
Watching Modern Warfare 2 trailers and just learned of the customizable kill streak perks....nice
Being up.

Gonna waste to the day finishing off an anime I've been watching (Welcome to the NHK). It's been pretty heavy, and it looks like the last 3 episodes are really going to be depressing, so I left them last night.
Probably gonna play FF7 for the rest of the time.
Listening to Jamiroquai late at night. I have work tomorrow but I can't be assed to sleep.

I love Jamiroquai.

Right now I am baked as fuck, and am about to go make myself breakfast sausage and egg griddle cakes. It's two in the morning but fuck it, I'm hungry and I want those fuckers.