The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

The text in front of the youtube video wasn't meant to be a particularly brilliant argument or anything, it was more of a joke, I mean I strongly suspected that if it was on youtube it was probably everywhere in mp3 form already.

I was mainly just posting it there for everyone to listen to.
That Tales of Medusa song is pretty fucking good.

I found a download link a while ago, but didn't bother to actually download it.

If I ever found one of their albums, I would buy it.
I've done it. I hate to admit it, but I've done it. I just fucked a fat chick. Maybe 160-170. Felt like the skin off my dick was gonna get ripped off. Dry as fuck. Same for head. No matter what anyone says DON'T DO IT.

I bet it was Koude Haat who bought it. I hear ToM albums are considered a delicacy akin to the musical version of a very fine caviar.
Actually it was some guy known by 80s metal collectors to spend exorbitant amounts of money on obscure shit, but I can't remember who.