The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Been waiting in vain for the sea breeze to kick in. It's normally not this hot and humid on the coast. For once I'm suffering with the rest of you flatlanders.
Still didn't make any fucking lunch. Currently listening to Anton Webern. Going to make some fucking lunch.
I'm on a large island and even the interior of it gets much hotter than by the water here:

So taking a boat for transportation serves another purpose other than avoiding the tourist-swarmed roads.
holy shit!
I just took a crap that felt like it was nothing. Just a small little greasy thing. But when I looked down it was fucking huge!
the BarBQ sauce from lastnights ribs must have lubed up my hole. Because that thing slid right out!!!
Devasya Chāyā;8485039 said:

Sure, I need some more anyways.

How about you ask Dream Theater what it's like touring with a band that is ten times the band they are and half their age.

If you're talking about Scale the Summit against the last 5ish years of DT, then I would agree, but the first three albums are still great.