The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I just opened my package from The End records and the booklet of a brand new copy of Casus Luciferi is all scuffed up and shit and actually has a hole in the front cover. How the hell does that happen? lame. I emailed them to see what they are going to do about a replacement.
send you some shitty post hardcore band's cd as a replacement

sitting here with my netbook watching the hawaii bowl and waiting for the girl I'm courting to get on AIM or facebook chat so we can talk. surrounded by my dad, stepmom and grandfather. bored out of my mind...
Listening to ISIS for the first time while I wait for my mum's plane to arrive. I can't believe I've waited this long to check this band out. But the timing couldn't be more perfect.

Hope you enjoy them, man. I certainly do. Panopticon is my favourite, in case you haven't tried it yet.

I've been eating and drinking like a pig....fuck Xmas :lol:
Missing my son. There isn't enough alcohol or H in the world that could ease this pain. God damn it. I woke up in tears, and they've not really stopped since. If I surive the day, I'll be surprised. I wish that she'd snap out of it and at least have someone come by with him... A man without his son is no longer a man.
Missing my son. There isn't enough alcohol or H in the world that could ease this pain. God damn it. I woke up in tears, and they've not really stopped since. If I surive the day, I'll be surprised. I wish that she'd snap out of it and at least have someone come by with him... A man without his son is no longer a man.

Hang in there, hopefully luck will turn up for you.
Just had an amazing drunk philosophical discussion with my dad on the porch, discussing things like why the US is fucked up and Europe's so much better (he's lived there for two years and always wanted to go back) holy shit that was great.
Well basically the fact is that after WW2 and the fall of the USSR the US became world police, and Europe didn't need to drain its resources on the military (as it had for thousands of years, fucking itself up but at the same time taking over the world), so it could focus on better things. This is an extremely generalizing view of things but the gist of some of it.
Well basically the fact is that after WW2 and the fall of the USSR the US became world police, and Europe didn't need to drain its resources on the military (as it had for thousands of years, fucking itself up but at the same time taking over the world), so it could focus on better things. This is an extremely generalizing view of things but the gist of some of it.

I would love to go to defferent countrys someday after I am done with collage.Euroupe would be a cool place to visted.
Back from Christmas dinner with friends and family. Was kinda bored. Still bored, actually. I really wish my parents and their friends drank so that I could drink too, as it would have made things a lot better.