The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Thanks WAIF. I'll probably be in and out of here for a while-- I'm ridiculously busy, but my usual metal board is pissing me off and I miss UM sometimes.

How are you?
thanks :)
Well, by 'passively looking for socks,' I mean I was thinking about how much I wanted my favorite pair of wool socks, wondering where they were, thinking about the possible places they could be at that point in time, and not getting up to look for them.
Watching Berserk because I'm a weeaboo faggot.

I mean cultural.

Other cultural joys is the fact my 15gb of Hajime No Ippo has finally downloaded. I love you external harddrive. I'm fucking balls deep in anime right now.
Went up to Denver to hang out with Justin (D_t) today. He really does have bum luck and I got a taste of it today. On our way to the record store, he got a flat tire and that ended up being the focal point of the day. We had a good time nonetheless.

And he needs to get his shit from his ex's house.

sucks balls
Went up to Denver to hang out with Justin (D_t) today. He really does have bum luck and I got a taste of it today. On our way to the record store, he got a flat tire and that ended up being the focal point of the day. We had a good time nonetheless.

And he needs to get his shit from his ex's house.

Yeah, it was fun. Typical day for me.
My incredibly fat and douchey roommate is currently having sex with his incredibly fat (a good deuce, deuce and a half) and weird girlfriend in the room above me. I'm afraid for my ceiling... like moving to the next room afraid.
Watching Berserk because I'm a weeaboo faggot.

I mean cultural.

Other cultural joys is the fact my 15gb of Hajime No Ippo has finally downloaded. I love you external harddrive. I'm fucking balls deep in anime right now.

Berserk rules! :kickass:

p.s. If you watch the Dub I will kill you with a giant sword.
I am now on facebook. First order of business; joining the Ministry of Metal group.
Second order of business; blindly confirming the dozen or so friend requests from people I didn't know in high school. Seriously, some of these people I swear I've never even seen.
I hate that shit. I DENY THEM ALL! I have no need to be one of those people with 343574565675656 friends.

edit: Just ate some Apple pie + cool whip!