The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Browsing the forums for the first time in a week because there's no internet at my apartment and I finally decided to go to a friend's house just to do internet things I don't want to do at work.

No idea how long it will be until I see internets at home again. One of the dudes who moved out was holding the cable account, and neither transferred it nor continued paying it, so now we have to wait for him to pay it off again. He's a lazy pile of shit, so it wouldn't surprise me if this takes another week or more. Lesson learned: if you sublet some random apartment, make sure somebody's still paying the bills!

At least it's not the electricity.
Sucks Grant.

I am at work trying not to go outside and intentionally get run over by cars. Rain for the 14th or 15th day in a row. I've been stuck at the same weight for like 3 weeks now. FUUUUUUUU
just had an awesome/gross experience
rode my bike to my parents house for dinner. Ate a burger, mac n cheese, and corn on the cob.
Was damn good.
went and played with the dog in the backyard for a little while and decided to leave.
Hopped back on the bike and got about a block away. Coughed and verped... Alot of shit came up. Had to swallow it back down. Kept riding...
nose then starts to run and run and run. Did a farmer blow and wiped the rest on my shirt. awesome me!
I am laughing so hard but my stomach hurts from doing all those crunches on Monday. I think Krig and I would get along really well IRL since we both do gross shit like that.

One time I verped so badly at a hookah bar in LA after overeating kebabs and rice. It was so gross, the kind where you can feel the bile burning your nose too, and the flavor was overpowering.

I just read the entire queefing thread. I'm not sure what's worse, Susperia talking about how glorious vaginas are or Hatebreeder arguing with Ender Rises over whether or not ER is gay.

Queefing is not a voluntary action, nor do I think it should be equated with farting because :

A) it is not gas that is released
B) It is not voluntary
C) it is simply air that is packed into the canal due to having something thrust into it over and over hard and fast. The air has got to escape at some point...

But yes I agree it's awfully awfully embarassing when that happens when you're being eaten out----Which shouldn't normally happen unless her legs are above her head and legs spread wide open, allowing air to be sucked into the vaginal canal. That's the only time it ever happened to me while er..yeah. It was shocking!
Browsing the forums for the first time in a week because there's no internet at my apartment and I finally decided to go to a friend's house just to do internet things I don't want to do at work.

No idea how long it will be until I see internets at home again. One of the dudes who moved out was holding the cable account, and neither transferred it nor continued paying it, so now we have to wait for him to pay it off again. He's a lazy pile of shit, so it wouldn't surprise me if this takes another week or more. Lesson learned: if you sublet some random apartment, make sure somebody's still paying the bills!

At least it's not the electricity.

My friend in Florida who I just visited is in a similar situation. It's really shitty.
Facebooking. Got a notification saying "Andy Phelps is in a relationship"
I then noticed that his profile picture was of him...and his car.
Lady singer from my band has gotten me involved in a cover of Inner Sanctum by Behemoth with some other dude...I figure knowing some metal dudes around campus is probably worth learning the song...besides which, it rules.
Haha, okay now I'm sober for a moment, so here's what's up: I'm trying to find a new computer to buy because my current one freezes even before the possibility to enter BIOS when starting, so I now officialy consider it fucking dead the fuck.

Also, there were several parties from which I remember shit but I kissed like three blondes in 20 hours and got none of them which is shamefully normal in the year of 2010. One run off after I refused to bang on a fucking street at 3AM, she was like a fucking horse really, she kicked me down on the fucking street (from back! my body still hurts) in one of the filthiest fucking shitholes in Prague and then tried to get me naked so I was like fuck off you stupid cunt, make some fucking sense and threw her away like a bag of sand or something. We repeated this procedure like three times and then she just fucking run fucking drunk into the nightly city so we were looking for her with this other chick but then we realised we didn't really want to so we started making out, it was quite romantic but at her door she said the classic line "you're fine but I have a boyfriend" and went inside alone. There was a dog barking at me from her neighbour's garden so I spent like an hour barking at him back, but she still didn't come out again.

Now I'm going to have a calm beer with this guy we call "cattle". He goes to restaurants and drinks the worcester sauce from the tables there. And I'm getting my guitar back tommorow hopefully which I can't fucking wait for.