The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Wishing another of these would happen in my lifetime (I was only four years old back then)

Last night was an epic failure as far as clubbing goes. Got all dressed up and shit, my drinking buddy cooked an awesome dinner up for her bf, her room-mate, and myself, but he didn't come and canceled way last minute again even though he knew he wasn't coming well in advance. She raged at skype for about a half hour; we went to the club pretty late and just as we were about to get in she realized she didn't have her ID. So I yelled a bit and we went to a metal bar instead and I got nice and drunk with her room-mate. Honestly, probably more fun than clubbing would have been. Saw a cool electro-jazz band at the Montreal Jazz Festival on the way to the bar, I forget the name.

Now I practice guitar for a bit and then go to band practice. Hopefully bitches will show up this time.
Last night was fucking awesome. After work around 10 pm, me and my buddy went to the park, which there's a set that we had to watch until 1. Pretty much all we did is smoke a blunt and split a 6 pack. Then around 1 we called a taxi to bring us to our buddies house who's going to Vermont, and he was having a leaving party. So then we smoked a few bowls, I then went outside and had a shitload of beer and talked to random people. One guy liked a bunch of 80s hardcore so I talked to him for a while. I almost fell in the fire pit a few times, but thankfully I gained slight control.

Oh, then this morning I smoked a shitload more weed, went to Mcdonalds and bought a milkshake.
Practice was thoroughly canceled. My drinking buddy called me with severe bf issues (she slept with her room-mate last night); pretty god damn sick of being her therapist. Went over and made sure she was okay. We're gonna (try to) go to the same club again (4th fucking time we've planned to go there). We bought some vodka and vermouth at a liquor store for pregaming and the motherfucker didn't give us a bag, so I had to walk down the street carrying two bottles of liquor in plain sight, wtf.
Reading comments on BrokenCyde videos, it's like watching Tom Brady sniff glue.

"i dont know why but lyk it says this has been flagged as spam on lyk every single&#65279; comment 8O and all they say is this is awesome or somethin but anywayz bc13 4lyf <3 se7en iz ma favorite XD"
Last night fucking sucked hard, but I had a good talk with the gf and feel better about our shit. I strongly dislike: vermouth, dry martinis, and shots of vodka (but at least they go down quick). But screwdrivers are pretty ace. Also had a shot of Jack; never had whiskey before and I was not prepared for that intense burning feeling in my chest. Wow. I can see carrying a flask of that stuff around in the winter, but in the summer time it's just unpleasant. I think I may just be a beer guy.
I was planning on studying ALL day today...but now there's a barbecue and GOD DAMN IT I'm an AMURRICAN and it's the 4th of July, so I guess I'm gonna be chilling with some French dudes all day. Life is fucking hard, man.