The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

we supplied france with weapons and consultation on strategy. they wimped out. later they attacked an intel boat. largely because we helped the french.
I know the French were there originally, but this isn't some black and white simplistic fight we're talking about. The US got involved for certainly many more reasons than to help the French, and the French certainly left for more reasons than "wimping out".

That's right. There are no cz's in the Czech language. We borrowed the word Czech from Polish, which uses cz's all over the place.
Ahh, I was actually curious about this and google wasn't helping. I figured you'd know :cool:
yeah, i couldnt find any info on the cz thing either. those polacks are fuckin weird

and sure the vietnam war was more complicated that i mention. but us helping france was a big part of it. its why we were involved in the first place
yes, it is. we were supplying them weapons and helping on strategy. we sided with the french "puppet" government while china and the USSR sided with the DRV.

the 2 major reasons we got involved, france and communism, are directly linked.
Just finished watching The Office. God that show is almost painful to watch.

Now watching Frank TV for the first time, and it's not as funny as I had hoped