The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

all kinds of perks.

My brother started his own business three years ago, and he hasn't had time for much of a social life since then. Lots of perks yeah but a huge commitment too. I imagine it gets easier and easier the longer you go though, getting things running more smoothly by themselves.

Good luck. Too many talkers out there, not enough doers.
Cyth: I know the feeling, it's rough. the only thing I can suggest is to pull an all-nighter for one night, then wait until a decent hour the following evening before crashing. Grueling, but it works.
posting a song I'm working on, which (if my track record is any indication), will never be finished probably. oh well. check it out; it's pretty much in the vein of Axis of Advance/war metal, but has a somewhat melodic, slower doomy section. Also, doing overdubbed harsh vocals is fun.

guess I should also post my lyrics (they're cheesy but kinda awesome and totally in line with the style i'm aping here):

my unrestrained primal rage
dictating the course of action i must take

forging bloodblades from my darkened eyes
i reap the path before me
and sail forth on their lies

now we ride on into sunsets ablaze
on the backs of our mortal enemies
their souls suffered for our destiny
thus, on their graves we march forever

these scars that we've gained
on our paths
neither honor nor compassion
have been spared our wrath
in truth, the only
solace we have found:
to torture those we hate,
in chains they're forever bound!
Andy, you know how I feel about AoA, so naturally I think that's totally badass. If I could ever be fucked to get decent equipment, I would record the shit out of the guitars for you.
Getting flooded with emails from students requesting me to review their science project papers before they hand them in tomorrow. Apparently I'm the only one in this whole fucking program who cares/knows about proper grammar. There are multiple people with MA's in English teaching in this program, yet the students all run to the bloody Latin instructor to make sure their English is sound.

I learned everything I know about grammar from phonics, which isn't taught in my state anymore, and 3 years of Latin in high school that every teacher except my AP Language Arts teacher strongly discouraged. They all thought Spanish was a much better use of my time and effort.
This forum is motherfucking dead. I last checked it in the morning and now there are like three new posts. I obviously don't count these "political" posts in those "political" threads which just say things that everybody knows and people call it a fucking discussion or a fucking debate. Four pages of fucking nothing bubble. Just fuck off please. Nobody said anything new there. Jesus cumfuck abortionrape vagina retard dismembered scrotumplacenta fuck. Just talk about shit like normal people. One two three GO!