The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I didn't pass a chemistry test from last year today so I'm kicked out of uni. Fuck yeah. I have all the other subjects but I'm now officially fucked thanks to chemistry. I can't repeat one subject two times so yeah. Now I feel like shit.
Geez that fucking sux mate,that's pretty fucked,you stuff up one subject and they kick you out? Does'nt sound fair at all.Although it does explain the whole school massacre phenomenon.
Surely they would'nt let you bust your ass studying for however long and kick you out for that,it's school not fucking NASA are you not meant to fuck up and make mistakes at school?
Man that sucks Onder. I feel ya, failed two exams in a row, but have another chance this fall. Still feels bad to go through, but obviously not as bad as your situation.

Can't you "appeal" it and perhaps get another chance? We're at least able to do that over here, but I don't know successful that typically is.

Either way, hope something works out for ya.
The least painful thing to do now so I don't lose those 15 or so finished exams is to repeat the first year just for chemistry (they should accept the others I already did) and then do the second and third year together. That way I'll only lose one year but it's still on border and very pain in the ass-y.
Drinking coffee. Restaurant I work at is dead and have the entire week off, not that I mind. I do not make shit for money so it does not really matter if I work or not. I don't really give a fuck.
Why are there fucking empty bottles everywhere, I haven't seen anyone drunk in the past two fucking years. I always drink two beers like a retard. Jesus cum.
I got a new job, found out today! Not gonna be buying any private jets any time soon but it's a step in the right direction!
Got myself a new mobile phone.

I'm now an editorial contributor at the photo agency Shutterstock. Not nearly as big as Getty, Retna etc but it's a start. Tomorrow I'll be photographing the red carpet opening at The Smith Center, which includes Neil Patrick Harris hosting, and a bunch of others, aww yeah.

Also gonna be buying an iPad 2 tomorrow. Any app recommendations?
Hm, apparently some posts from yesterday got deleted...

Anyway, i have today off from work, and so far i've done some economics reading.

Last night i was really miserable after hanging out with chinagirl again and seeing her and one of my friends flirt shamelessly. I hoped i was over it since asking her out and getting the rejection, but i'm not, and i just can't deal with being around her anymore. It's time to stop hanging out with her.