The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread


I am home from work and trying to muster up the gusto to go run outside. I don't have headphones and it's rush hour which means a huge pain in the ass when it's time to drive to the store to buy them.
Got myself a new mobile phone.


I just got the new Droid Razr. It's pretty slick.
My last wish would be to get a sex surgery to become a female with a working vagina and then get a knife so I can stab myself in it. Then cover the bleeding hole with leaves of eucalyptus and get a koala to eat them of my crotch. Then I would shit on its face.

EDIT: Also: I want to be a cat. A cute kitten. <3 LOL kthxbye.
Getting drunk, listening to some crunchy industrial music, and trying to do as little thinking as possible for the rest of the night.
Apparently I can merge two years of uni into one, and it can be the first one and the second too, not just the second and third as I thought. That would mean I could manage to sign up again, finish the subjects I failed next year and then continue normally the third year. It needs a lot of tweaking though and mainly excellent management.

I'd do chemistry, bio-chemistry, some french too and probably two subjects I didn't show up at yet, from this semester.

Sounds like loads of shitfun bro's and ho's.
Also, I'm waiting here like a faggot, in my awesome red shirt and my awesome red jeans. I have to look awesome. Waiting for mechanization of plant production. Fuck my butt. Also, I owe my girl money but I'm thirsty and hungry and I want to have a beer and I want to buy a cd. Fuck. Fucky fuck.

EDIT: I could just starve to death, piss my girl off and buy a cd. That would be the most mature way to deal with today's problems.