The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just had the best physical experience of my life scratching my asshole for over 10 seconds, seriously. It was like having a female orgasm while high on cocaine.
Just threw together a Dubstep version of the Doctor Who theme in like a half hour. The hardest part was working with the sample of a Dalek shouting "exterminate!"
Just had the best physical experience of my life scratching my asshole for over 10 seconds, seriously. It was like having a female orgasm while high on cocaine.
"That guy's wise"

Upon listening to it hours later. It needs A LOT of work, but here's a link. It's nowhere near as chaotic as I thought it should be. Also, I need to work on the mixing and I could use quite a bit more tracks. Also, the timing on the Dalek sampling could be way better.

Edit: It's also too slow.
I loved it. Even though Nefertiti was just the tree woman who sacrificed herself for Eccleston.

I don't handle the sad episodes well. The one where that hot chick turned out to maybe be something she didn't want to believe she was? SLAYED my feelings.
It's that music they put on at just the right moment, which resonates with those muscles in your neck and gets you all choked up. I'll try to find it and edit it into this post.

The scene where River reveals her identity comes to mind.
Reedited the song. Way more satisfied with it now. Could use more mixing, but I can't hope to do that with the equipment I've got. I make it sound good on my speakers, and that's about all I can really do.