The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Im convinced that I will forever remain at the same weight im at for the rest of my life. And my diet has nothing to do with it. I was a vegetarian, same weight. I was a raw vegan, same weight. Now I dont give a fuck and will eat whatever, and still at the same weight...Pretty soon the cycle will repeat itself, and I still wont loose or gain an ounce.

Cheers to the folks like myself who could eat a whole cheesecake, followed by a gallon of ice cream and not gain an ounce. :kickass:

Yeah, god bless ya. I gain 5lbs just looking at that shit. I have to work to "afford" my eating habits.
What do you look like? Are you one of those sexy asian chicks with tits I want to live in?


Just had a reuben and chips for lunch with my boss. That should confuse my stomach back to normal - been feeling rough all day, perhaps too many Brussels sprouts combined with too much sriracha.
I'm insanely jealous of naturally skinny people. I have to exert constant never ending vigilance to NOT BE OVERWEIGHT. Was overweight my entire childhood and yo-yo dieted in college. I always play it off like "it's cool brah I eat whatever I want" but it's a lot of effort.

I can't imagine what actual skinny women must go through in their daily lives


not trying to be a jack-ass here

but, females are supposed to have more bodyfat than males

mamary glands by themselves are not very big, 95% of a females breasts are just fat

despite what you see in fasion mags and internet photos
females with 6-pack-abs and/or buns-of-steel are extremely rare

and 99% of still shot photos you see in fasion magazines have been photo-shopped, and the videos of women "walking down the runway" are all doing cocaine/crystal meth with severe bulimia

the whole fucking reason that it's such a pain in the ass for you to "stay skinny" because it's not fucking natural

seriously just relax and let yourself be femininely soft
I would love to gain 10lbs. :/

Going to my friend's bar and allowing myself only one drink because I need to save some money to buy new albums and MDF, and I spend like I'm Bill Gates (not on drinks but on everything else ha).
Long day of work ahead for me writing three 20-25 page essays: one on Ellison's Invisible Man and science fiction; one on Collin's The Moonstone, Shelley's Frankenstein, and the Gothic; and one (hopefully successful) attempt to stage a reconciliation between Wittgenstein's thrust toward ordinary language and Derrida's theory of deconstruction.

So yes, this is how I spend my weekends. Welcome to grad school.
I only have a few revisions I have to make for my Strauss/Nietzsche paper. I've got a 15 pager on women factory workers in Lowell, Massachusetts from the 1830s-1840s and their reflection on the wider culture of New England women, so squeezing out 15 pages won't be a problem. I've got a 20 minute presentation for each of them, but those are always easy. I hate power points so I'll just do a short lecture.
I just have one major term paper this semester, doing a comparative analysis of the theological poetry of two Christian Neoplatonists from the late 4th century and how they poetically conceptualize the Trinity. Esoterik as fukk.
On lunch. Weird being back in the working world again. Interesting how corporate bodies all pretty much operate the same once they reach a certain size. Must revolve around the LCD.
It all boils down to hyper-specialization in a hyperreal environment, really.

I'm the opposite of hyperspecialization for now and the foreseeable feature. I'm weekend roaming retail customer assistance, so I've gotta basically learn every single area in a home improvement store. From everything I can see and have heard it's going to be a very flexible, fast paced kind of thing that's going to make it very easy to transfer to FT in any area in the future if needed.

But for now I just needed weekend work to supplement my GI Bill income and need to focus on school. This just gives me all sorts of financial and relocation flexibility in the future as well as keeping me from having a huge gap in my employment record, eroding soft skills, etc.
I'm the opposite of hyperspecialization for now and the foreseeable feature. I'm weekend roaming retail customer assistance, so I've gotta basically learn every single area in a home improvement store. From everything I can see and have heard it's going to be a very flexible, fast paced kind of thing that's going to make it very easy to transfer to FT in any area in the future if needed.

But for now I just needed weekend work to supplement my GI Bill income and need to focus on school. This just gives me all sorts of financial and relocation flexibility in the future as well as keeping me from having a huge gap in my employment record, eroding soft skills, etc.

I'm a receiver in a grocery/retail store. Easily the best job available, you should try to get into receiving if possible.