The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just got out of the shower and fed the cats, set the table, and getting ready to cook the rice and spinach for our cajun chicken dinner. This will be my last homecooked meal until the end of February.
Just had my last glass of wine for a while. Finishing the job with some coffee & creme de menthe. Making a few drunken posts before watching the Pats game.
Watching the game. Earlier today I won an Xbox 360 Premium Edition System on ebay for $260.90. 20 gig drive and everything. Sweet.
I went out for by birthday (5 days after the fact) with some of my friends, just got back about half an hour ago. Good times were had by most.
Just got home from the bar. I ended up doing about 85% of the work tonight when my friend should have been splitting the work. He was too busy getting girls' numbers and dancing it seems. I only got 10 bucks, but it was slow compared to last night (I probably should have had double what I got, but meh)
At South Station in downtown Boston on wi-fi, waiting for a 10:00 trailways bus back up to Bangor. My hangover is just about gone after eating a chocolate muffin, a kiwi and a nice strong cup of Dunkin Donuts Turbo Hot coffee.