The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Dude I got the stomach flu last night too! Threw up a couple times. I didnt get cold sweats but I had the chills worse than I ever had before. I had like four blankets on and I was curled up shivering in the fetal position. Didnt get to sleep till like 3.
Yeah and I don't even know what caused it. Probably a 24 hour bug. I couldn't get warm for the life of me either w/ 2 comforters on. Now my muscles are super achy. I wish I had my hottub hooked up.
Going to start studying for my Algebra mid-term. I hope its not on the stuff I didn't study like my Earth Science mid-term was.
About to go to a college baseball workout.

On the topic of colds; there's this horrible flu/strep combination going around here. A bunch of people are seemingly getting the flu and then strep throat.
Listening to music.

eating pussy

yeah, I wish

ha same here. I just want a chick I like to just sit on my entire face!

I met this chick named Tara around last week who is a few years older and she's the type of chick that would let you do her and eat her out every once in awile and you would not have to be her boyfriend. I just don't have her number but could get it!!!. A friend of mine knows her well(never did her), but he told me she's really into me and would do me and would have if not leaving earlier. She's a hot chick just the slutty kind. I might get her number because all I would have to do is hang out with her and be interested in her. I do not want a girlfriend like that or anything and maybe should take up on this for the hell of it.