The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Okay so I made a white lie. Instead of foruming I've been going to shows and getting drunk. Cirith ungol was amazing. Defenders of the Old fear was amazing. I bought so much shit that I haven't even gotten the chance to listen to yet. Met cook-ta too. Going to Prague soon. Life is great. And the last day of school is Wednesday so I'm almost free of students. But yeah I'll be around today since I'm off and no longer lesson planning.
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Been shitty hot today all day. Worked outside for ten hours. drinking a few cans of Dogfish Head Flesh and Blood IPA and listening to music. So goddamn glad I'm off tomorrow.
Now listening to the latest Forefather. Pretty eh. Steadfast was great but I'm really doubting they'll ever do anything that lives up to it. They've kept all the cheese but none of the epicness or venom.

I like that on every release it sounds as if they've just learned how to record/program drums for the first time.
That's not an accurate statement. Punctuation, man.

But when the person you want to fuck doesn't want to fuck because their friend who is at the same place wants to fuck but won't fuck because they have a boyfriend and so you end up sharing a sofa bed with them and not fucking and then as soon as everyone has parted ways it's all 'why didn't we all fuck'.

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