The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Regardless, the power level of the game as a whole is undeniably lower as a whole regardless of creature power
I don't think this is true though. The average power level of older sets are generally much lower than now. Just look at sets like Alliances, Homelands, Masques, Visions, etc. There are VERY few playable cards (and a few boken ones). Urza was very powerful though, I give you that.

My problem isn't really the power creep which I understand why it's there. It's the pushing of creatures. When most good creatures have have 2-3 good abilities - AND good stats too, why bother playing spells? It's just better to play a creature and get the same ability + a guy, always a 2 for 1. This is apparent in creatures like Reflector Mage, Siege Rhino, Spell Queller, Grim Flayer, etc. Most games just devolve into midrange bombs being played over and over.

Had the power creep of spells and creatures been more even this would lead to more interesting and varied gameplay imo.
@Vilden I take it you're a Fantasy man exclusively?
No, but I have one large 40k army and about 4 large fantasy armies.

But you're right my complaints are mostly at the fantasy model range, the 40k range have lots of the time improved. There are things there too. Like huge vehicles. And the need to take everything to "their final form". Like super terminators, super dreadnaughts, etc. Also the fact that alot of units/monsters have upped their Base size in 40k too.
As long as the developments correspond with the rules I'm okay with all of that.

I haven't played any AoS yet so I don't know the dynamics of Fantasy right now and even if I wanted to my Dwarf army is in storage at the moment, what're your Fantasy armies?
I don't think this is true though. The average power level of older sets are generally much lower than now. Just look at sets like Alliances, Homelands, Masques, Visions, etc.

Tbh these sets were never good were they? Other than a random card with massive power level a lot of older sets sucked ass or had broken shit.
I haven't played any AoS yet so I don't know the dynamics of Fantasy right now and even if I wanted to my Dwarf army is in storage at the moment, what're your Fantasy armies?
Tbh I've never tried AoS either, but now I have a couple of friends that's started playing it so maybe I'll give it a test run. Otherwise I've mostly played older editions.

My fantasy armies:

Huge Chaos army
Large Vampire Counts army
Large High Elves army
Medium Wood Elves army
Small Empire army
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Tbh I've never tried AoS either, but now I have a couple of friends that's started playing it so maybe I'll give it a test run. Otherwise I've mostly played older editions.

My fantasy armies:

Huge Chaos army
Large Vampire Counts army
Large High Elves army
Medium Wood Elves army
Small Empire army

Guessing your 40k army is Chaos or Eldar then? I have zero fantasy armies, but I may get the Sepulchar Guard pack for Shadespire if it turns out to be a decent game. A friend bought it so I just have to arrange free time to get a game in.

My 40k armies:

Huge Imperial Guard army
Large-to-huge Dark Angel army
Medium Necron army
Small Deathwatch army (will be Medium whenever I can get to them in painting).
Tiny Grey Knight/Inquisition contingent
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Guessing your 40k army is Chaos or Eldar then?
Hah, I love Chaos in fantasy (my true love in the Warhammer universe) but I kind of hate (or atleast dislike) Chaos in 40k. Not sure why.

I've got a large (or atleast medium-large) Imperial Guard (Tallarn!). I actually started playing 40k because I liked the original Leman Russ Demolisher model do much. :p Sadly I'm not a big fan of the plastic Cadians, I think they have too much and too big equipment. I would love a Steel Legion or old Cadian metal army though.

I could also see myself playing some kind of Space Marines (probably Dark Angels or Ultramarines) or indeed Eldar.
I've got a large (or atleast medium-large) Imperial Guard (Tallarn!).

I could also see myself playing some kind of Space Marines (probably Dark Angels or Ultramarines) or indeed Eldar.

Tallarn have their own special abilities in the new 8th Codex; I'm wondering if they will get new models. I find smurfs boring - but they do get the benefit of a Primarch now if you have Guilliman. I love the flexibility and aesthetics of the DA; it's essentially three armies in one in extreme gothic flavor. Still hoping for a Lion primarch model.
I am downloading Manilla Road albums. Do people here hate on you if you sometimes download music? If so I won't post about it again.