From the holy kingdom of Harmonia
I don't think this is true though. The average power level of older sets are generally much lower than now. Just look at sets like Alliances, Homelands, Masques, Visions, etc. There are VERY few playable cards (and a few boken ones). Urza was very powerful though, I give you that.Regardless, the power level of the game as a whole is undeniably lower as a whole regardless of creature power
My problem isn't really the power creep which I understand why it's there. It's the pushing of creatures. When most good creatures have have 2-3 good abilities - AND good stats too, why bother playing spells? It's just better to play a creature and get the same ability + a guy, always a 2 for 1. This is apparent in creatures like Reflector Mage, Siege Rhino, Spell Queller, Grim Flayer, etc. Most games just devolve into midrange bombs being played over and over.
Had the power creep of spells and creatures been more even this would lead to more interesting and varied gameplay imo.