The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Oh okay, fair enough.

I'm probably a bit sensitive because when I used to complain about certain editions of Warhammer: 40k douchebags would always whip out the ol' "hurrr genwunner dickhead hurrr" and it was so annoying.
Mtg has gone abit downhill for two reasons.

#1: The direction the art has gone is waaay too streamlined and clean, which most of the time makes it more soulless imo. Sure the sets are more even and the older art had way lower lows but also higher high. Older sets generally feels less flashy and more obscure and arcane.

#2: The power creep in specifically creatures. I'm tired of all creatures having 2-3 good abilities and also stats that are annoyingly good. Just look at for example Deathrite Shaman. 1 mana 1/2 with 3 good abilities. Yeah that seems reasonable. Leovold is another one on the same theme. IMO the most boring games are when both players just play splashy creature after splashy creature and hope to win the value war. I like grind but it should be with finesse, not just big bombs.

I think wizards has realized this and in the latest sets they've upped the spell power and lowered the creature power which is good.

With this said MtG is still awsome and they do alot of things right so I wont say newer sets suck or anything, just that I liked the direction, both in art and game design in older sets abit more.

As for Games Workshop and Warhammer: They have gone downhill waaay more imo. Mostly because of the cartoony over the top models nowdays which looks rediculous. Just compare the size of old (3rd-4th fantasy) edition greater daemons or Volkmar the Grim. The new ones are awful.

About the rules, I haven't played the newest editions so I can't really comment but as far as I've tester I don't think they've gone in the right direction either.
As for Games Workshop and Warhammer: They have gone downhill waaay more imo. Mostly because of the cartoony over the top models nowdays which looks rediculous. Just compare the size of old (3rd-4th fantasy) edition greater daemons or Volkmar the Grim. The new ones are awful.

Are you crazy? I'll admit I'm not familiar with Volkmar but the greater daemon models look so much better now and there really isn't any comparing with old edition 40k to now, it is much better now. 7th edition was admittedly pretty bad but 8th so far seems like a huge improvement and the models these days are mostly much better.

I can't help but assume this is an opinion based almost entirely on nostalgia.
Got my first respectable smartphone in awhile, ZTE Blade Z. Using Zedge for customizing all my stupid doodly doos, anyone into that and know good uploaders? Currently following 'jovasi'.

Edit: Also discovered this band through a generic 'metal' ringtone search, pretty cool space rock.

Are you crazy? I'll admit I'm not familiar with Volkmar but the greater daemon models look so much better now and there really isn't any comparing with old edition 40k to now, it is much better now. 7th edition was admittedly pretty bad but 8th so far seems like a huge improvement and the models these days are mostly much better.
Well, the new models are ofcourse MUCH better made and much more detailed and dynamic etc etc. The problem is that they are just so over the top and cartoonish that the army feel get lost and you get more superhero or anime vibes imo.

Some examples from old to new:

Mannfred Von Carstein:
I mean wtf is up with this, classic Von Carsteins have the old Dracula look, not big ass muscles and some kind of super monster.

Volkmar the Grim:

I can't help but assume this tis an opinion based almost entirely on nostalgia.
I guess this explains some of it, especially when you talk about rank n file or regular space marines or whatnot. But my biggest problem is the one I showed above which is not just nostalgia.
About the Bloodthirster, the new one is better looking but fails because it is about double the size from the old which just looks rediculous imo.

This also ties in with my opinion hat big monsters are most of the times the most boring kind of unit to play with in Warhammer.
I'll agree the Volkmar model wasn't an improvement, but in general the models have gotten much better over time. Look at Tyranids from 2nd ed or whatever to 6th or whenever they overhauled the range into plastics. I'm not a big fan of the Primaris range due to the size bump, but no one is forced to buy them (yet anyway).

8th is absolutely superior to 7th rules wise. There's been a couple of things I don't like in army errata etc., but the core rules are far more play/speed-friendly. Switching vehicles to the same unit templates as everything else (Toughness, wounds, sv) was absolutely the right move along with the change to AP v SV.
Mtg has gone abit downhill for two reasons.

#1: The direction the art has gone is waaay too streamlined and clean, which most of the time makes it more soulless imo. Sure the sets are more even and the older art had way lower lows but also higher high. Older sets generally feels less flashy and more obscure and arcane.

#2: The power creep in specifically creatures. I'm tired of all creatures having 2-3 good abilities and also stats that are annoyingly good. Just look at for example Deathrite Shaman. 1 mana 1/2 with 3 good abilities. Yeah that seems reasonable. Leovold is another one on the same theme. IMO the most boring games are when both players just play splashy creature after splashy creature and hope to win the value war. I like grind but it should be with finesse, not just big bombs.

I think wizards has realized this and in the latest sets they've upped the spell power and lowered the creature power which is good.

With this said MtG is still awsome and they do alot of things right so I wont say newer sets suck or anything, just that I liked the direction, both in art and game design in older sets abit more.

As for Games Workshop and Warhammer: They have gone downhill waaay more imo. Mostly because of the cartoony over the top models nowdays which looks rediculous. Just compare the size of old (3rd-4th fantasy) edition greater daemons or Volkmar the Grim. The new ones are awful.

About the rules, I haven't played the newest editions so I can't really comment but as far as I've tester I don't think they've gone in the right direction either.

I feel like Deathrite Shaman isn't a fair example though. It feels like a card that was designed with eternal formats in mind. It didn't have a major impact on standard at all. Powerful, yes, but mostly only in formats with access to both fetchlands and cheap low CMC spells.

Leovold isn't a good example either because he was printed in a set meant to be drafted and then played multiplayer.
I think Warhammer models in general looked much more cartoonish and goofy in the beginning and have been gradually moving away from that.

I like the developments in the Volkmar model but I will give you Mannfred Von Carstein, the old more romantic/classic vampire look was a lot better.

Of course one of the perks of Warhammer is that you can table old models if you don't like the newer ones.
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Messing around trying to blend BAN/Godflesh/NKVD/Skaphe like metal with stuff like Theologian and Death Kneel.

But now I have to go for drinks with sexy skeletons.
I feel like Deathrite Shaman isn't a fair example though. It feels like a card that was designed with eternal formats in mind. It didn't have a major impact on standard at all. Powerful, yes, but mostly only in formats with access to both fetchlands and cheap low CMC spells.

Leovold isn't a good example either because he was printed in a set meant to be drafted and then played multiplayer.
But Leovold is still played in other formats than it's draft enviorment.

But if you want cards that is/was good in standard: Siege Rhino, Grim Flayer, Emrakul the Promised End, Smugglers Copter, Hazoret, Longtusk Cub, Walking Ballista, etc.

Edit: Even Wizards have stated that they agree that creatures generally has been too good compared to spells and are trying to change this moving forward.
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I think Warhammer models in general looked much more cartoonish and goofy in the beginning and have been gradually moving away from that.
I can see what you mean, and in alot of ways the old models are more goofy, just look at old Orks, Squats, etc. Lots of bright colors and funny faces. In the new models I mean cartoonish in the over the top way. Everything is always over 9000 nowdays. Like the last Mannfred.

Of course one of the perks of Warhammer is that you can table old models if you don't like the newer ones.
Which is great and something I use very much. :)
BTW if i come across as hating and negative I will also say that I LOVE and worship both Magic the Gathering and most of GWs products, those are ment as general complaints that I think could be done better, not something that makes the games unplayable or anything.
well deserved ban tbh

fuck any fandoms version of 'genwunners'
A typically reductive response by someone with input of negligable value.

Not my fault Magic started to decline in quality significantly after 2006, both in terms of art direction (for reasons Vilden very eloquently stated for me, props Vilden); and shifting from spell-heavy, long games, to creature-dominant short ones. Shrug life. There are elements to the very core of how cards are mechanically designed that changed, and it was detrimental to the game as a whole.

Pre-emptive "shut the fuck up" to whatever variation of "b-but modern/Vintage" will come up.
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